I have searched but havent found out if a Samsung Radiant R1 can be installed like other Samsung speakers from the marketplace and run native.
I have three R1’s and they installed per the instructions of the other Samsung speakers with no issues.
I asked because it doesn’t mention them as a available speaker on the Things page.
They are not specifically mentioned. However, if you follow the instructions here: https://support.smartthings.com/hc/en-us/articles/205833690-Samsung-Multiroom-Speakers
They work with smartthings like the others do. You still need the Multi-Room speakers app to use them for music.
I use them with the Talking Alarm Clock app http://thingsthataresmart.wiki/index.php?title=Talking_Alarm_Clock#Latest_Version
(I think this is the correct link there is also a forum post on it, but I am not seeing the one that led me to the wiki)
As well as using the audio notifications for when doors are left open. They also work well with the Speaker Notify with Sound app
The only issue I had is with wifi. I had to take them off the 5 ghz and put them on the 2.4 ghz because I kept losing connection. That has nothing to do with smartthings though.
How did you get it to work? I tried to use the Talking Alarm Clock with my Samsung Radiant 360 speakers, but the app didn’t let me finish setting it up because it didn’t see any Sonos speakers. Otherwise the Samsung speakers work fine with the “Gentle Wake Up” app, at the end of it saying something predetermined. Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! PS: I want the speakers to play music from Tunein, rather than give a buzzer alarm, and that is what the app does not let me do.
If you have your speakers showing up in Smartthings as speakers, then they should show up in the app. It also has to be the WiFi set up, not the Bluetooth.
It just worked out of the box for me. So, not sure what might be going wrong.
I recently purchased an R1. It paired up with ST with no problem. I can send it texts to speak and works fine.
What I can’t seem to do is change the volumn. I can move the slider up/down but the volumn never changes in the speaker.
Any thoughts?
I am having problems with the R1 speakers, and the DTH. Every time I change the volume with the slider or arrows either the volume creeps down in a few hours or it doesn’t change. Or better yet set slider to 51%, hit he X and it now says 45%.
Exactly my problem.
Jim please contact support, this way I will not be the only one reporting this.
Gone for the holidays, but will cpntact support as soon as I get back.
Also noticed that you can’t set the volume even from the Samsung multiroom app that I used to initially set the unit up. Or at least I can’t figure out how.
Yes same thing, no way to change volume from the multi room app. Let’s see what support says.
Contacted support. Their response was the R1 is not officially supported. So there is nothing they can do.
Be nice if someone else could write a DTH that would work.
So had the R1 and the MS650 soundbar in my smartthings app and all was working. Noticed they were not connected tonight so started playing around with them and boom, can not add them anymore. What is that?
There was another thread about a Samsung soundbar integration. I corresponded with the author of that DTH. He gave me some web commands to adjust the volume. They worked great with the R1.
I used them in a WebCore piston to adjust the volume depending on whether my TV was on or not so I could hear any announcments. When I have time I plan on creating a couple virtual buttons to change the volume up/down using the same method.
If anyone is interested I can post what I have done.
I sure am interested. I would also like to see the piston as I woud need it to beon and woking 24/7.
Ok, here’s the info.
Command to set the volume:
Command to check the volume:
I noticed that the value you send is 1/3 of what the actual volume gets set to. In other words a value of 12 will give 36% volume. That’s the reason for the math in the following piston. There is probably an easier way to accomplish this, but it works for me.
Create a simulated dimmer control device to use as the slider to adjust the volume.
Here is the WebCore piston I created. You’ll have to change the IP address to your speaker.
When you are referring to your Ip do you mean your router IP, or the speaker IP?
Speaker IP. You need to make sure it is a statc IP address. Set it up as a reserved IP in your router.
OK Thanks. I will try to setup the static IP.