SAMSUNG Discontinuing ARTIK Cloud May 15, 2019 (both paid and free accounts)

Ouch! Well this shows how Samsung handles discontinuing IOT lines, I guess. :disappointed_relieved: less than one month’s notice even for paid accounts.

ARTIK Cloud will be shutting down on May 15. Thank you so much for your support over the years that we’ve been offering the service. Private access will be available for Legrand, Raemien and Samjin. All other client account data will be permanently destroyed in accordance with applicable privacy laws. Paying customers have not been charged last month.
If you would like to download an export of your data, log in with your account and then visit
“Download my Device Data” in which you will be prompted which data to export, and your preferred file format
For those of you interested in Samsung’s IoT and AI solutions, please check out our developer offerings:
Samsung SmartThings Developer Program:
Samsung Bixby Developer Program:
If you have additional questions or concerns, email us at and we will do our best to help.
The ARTIK Cloud team

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Looks like the Artik hardware line of chips was also discontinued fairly abruptly a few months ago, but nobody really picked it up as news:

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Interesting that the Legrand integration will continue for now.

I’m pretty sure Raemian refers to one of the Samsung apartment building subsidiaries: they introduced a line of smart home technology to manage HVAC and some lighting in some of their luxury buildings last year, and I believe that had an Artik component.

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I gotta think that any “significantly big” paid account would have been given advance notice, but then again, I don’t know how Samsung could have prevented any leaks from such clients.

I can tell you that a recent couple hiccups that we experienced with Google Cloud Services - and the lack of sincere assistance or post-mortem from their reps - has destroyed my faith in the industry. Perhaps it does vary from vendor to vendor, and I presume that Google pays better attention to bigger clients, but our experience was horrifying … or at least, disappointing and eye-opening.

As for Samsung ARTIK - with an abrupt shutdown like this (and the corresponding product line cancellation), how are they going to (re-)establish trust for Customers they wish to entice to the replacement service: i.e., the SmartThings Cloud? - The SmartThings Cloud is the official place to which all of Samsung’s disparate IoT clouds are being consolidated.

I can only presume that ARTIK Cloud had so few remaining customers that no one at Samsung (of any importance) gives a frack.

ARTIK was targeted only to developers (not at all directly to consumers). SmartThings has significantly more consumer / retail visibility, so I hope that saves it from such an abrupt fate.

The email blast only gives 1 month’s notice, but apparently the ARTIK website, specified a Feb 1st deprecation date (if not even sooner, somewhere?).

Is there a solution for legrand lighting control? I have been using artik cloud to interface with my adorne switches. Now it all gone…

You’ll need to talk to Legrand support, I’m not sure what options are available, but they should know.

They have a special contact number in their transition FAQ

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SmartThings (in partnership with the device vendors / manufacturers) have really stepped up the pace of integrations. The new API simplifies “Cloud-to-Cloud” based integrations, for example. In the New SmartThings App, you can browse to see a large number of brands listed. My belief is that a brand like LeGrand will step up and work on a new compatible integration - hopefully sooner than later. You should contact LeGrand customer support to encourage this.

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I emailed Legrand and just heard back from them. There are no plans in the pipeline to support SmartThings once ARTIK Cloud shuts down. I also asked if there’s public access to the Legrand Cloud API so that we could design our own integrations, and was told that public access is not provided.

I’m sure there’s a way around this using Alexa or Google Home, but that shouldn’t stop us from reaching out to Legrand and continuing to push for official support:

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i’m sure Legrand isn’t too keen on integrating with another Samsung product line after getting burned by ARTIK. With that said, the news SmartThings cloud schema, in theory, makes it pretty easy for them to integrate. (spoken like a true non-developer :stuck_out_tongue:)

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It is “pretty easy” (unless LeGrand has a screwy infrastructure, which they probably don’t if they were able to get ARTIK working).

SmartThings is counting on the market to force companies to adapt.

If all these brands (and several more pages worth [this is alphabetical to letter “D”] - including super-cheap TP-Link KASA as a cloud-to-cloud example, and counting…) are able to integrate, it’s LeGrand who is being left behind. It’s up to LeGrand customers to vote with their dollars (or at least get on the record with LeGrand’s Support).


Yep, the biggest advantage that the new platform has is that the smartthings app is now the way to reach the customers who are buying high-end Samsung smart televisions and smart appliances. That’s a much more attractive market niche for premium device manufacturers then the people who wanted to pay less than $100 for a smart home hub. :wink:

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Or buying a Samsung mobile phone. SmartThings app comes pre-installed on it, similar to the Home app for Apple.


It’s been almost a year since ARTIK Cloud was shutdown. They should probably remove remnants from around the Internet:

The app is still in the play store

There is still an Alexa skill

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I also just noticed there is still an official ARTIK Cloud Smart App in the Marketplace under “Samsung Home”.

I will send a note over to developer relations at Samsung. Closing this thread.