Samsung Connect Home/SmartThings WiFi Hub Firmware Release Notes - 0.52.21

just remember… with Hub Replace the hubs need to be in the same Location in ST.

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Right. I’ll add it to the same location regardless of the physical location and see if it thinks I can do the replace. I’m not actually going to do it.

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I got the firmware update for my Smartthings Wifi hub today. I also added a V3 Aeotec hub.

My Smartthings WiFi hub shows “Replace hub” in a menu (from the Android app), but upon selecting the option, it quickly goes away and offers a link for “Why can’t I replace this hub?”

I believe my hubs meet all of the criteria, so I’m perplexed as to why this isn’t working.

I do note, however, that I’ve only been using a single Smartthings WiFi hub for several years, and only as a Smartthings hub – not for mesh WiFi. I recall messing around with names, in various places, over the years, and I wonder if I did something, at some point, that has my system conflicted about my hub.

When browsing devices from the app, it has one name, but if I select it, go through “Use Smartthings Hub,” and then “MANAGE SMARTTHINGS HUB,” the device name is different if I look under “Edit device.”

I also note that I can’t set the names to be the same or change the room as I can for most devices, including the new hub.

Maybe none of this matters…

First question… that I alluded to above…. Are both hubs in the same Location in the ST app and not in two separate Locations?
Second question… when was the Aeotec hub added?


I don’t know exactly how they’ve engineered this, but I would be surprised if they don’t have to be in the same physical location as well as the same SmartThings location. But I don’t know for sure.


Yes. Hard to transfer directly connected devices to a hub in a different physical location :wink:

  1. Both hubs are in the same location; and
  2. The Aeotec hub was added today.

Might it matter if the Aeotec V3 Smartthings Hub is connected via WiFi and the Smartthings WiFi Hub is connected via ethernet?

Nope… this wasn’t it. I made sure that the Aeotec V3 Smartthings Hub could only connect to the internet via ethernet, as that’s how the Smartthings Wifi hub is connected (the V3 can connect by either, whereas the Smartthings WiFi only connects via ethernet, as it was designed to also be a mesh WiFi router), and I was still unable to use the Hub Replace feature from the Smarttings WiFi hub.

Contact ST support to report the issue. They may be able to see things from their end or may require you to send them logs from your hub.

You have the latest version of the ST app installed?

Have ST actually said that the hub replace is supposed to be working yet? The release notes only said that the required functionality was being installed, not that it was being enabled. The roll out only finished a couple of days ago, and the original tentative schedule had it finishing today. I’d have thought they’d want to hang on for a few days at least.

Good question. I certainly don’t mind waiting, as my Smartthings WiFi hub is still working just fine, and I have no reason to think that its demise is imminent.

Just last night I noticed a change in behavior, that’s continuing today, in that the ST app on my phone (Android) gives an error message when I try to access the Smartthings WiFi hub as a device and indicates that it is “Off,” as shown in this screenshot – and I can’t toggle it back to “On,” which is how it’s normally displayed. Notably, however, my other devices and routines all seem to be working just fine (all of which are on this hub), but I can’t even reach the screen from which yesterday I could select “Replace hub.”

Not sure if this means anything, but perhaps it’s associated with something happeing on their end because (I don’t think) this is related to anything I’ve done on my end.

Yes, but a good question. I did contact support yesterday, and their first advice was to reinstall the app and reboot, which I’ve done. I’ll follow up with them, but I haven’t had a chance to figure out how to do so just yet… I tried simply responding to the email they sent me, but that bounced back.

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Are both hubs in the same subnet?

I believe so, unless they’re created automatically, as I don’t recall ever having a reason to create multiple subnets. My devices all have a local IP address of the form

Where you prompted to set it up as a multi-hub network?

Multi-Hub Network “Labs” Feature

As noted by @JDRoberts in post #2, if you select Multi-Hub Network then you are unable to use Hub Replace.


No – If I recall correctly, the only prompt I got with the new hub (V3 Aeotec) was whether it would be connected via WiFi or ethernet.

I’m happy to report another behavior change: my Smartthings WiFi Hub went back to showing as “On” in the ST app last night, and…

I was able to select, and actually run, the Hub Replace feature.

I haven’t received any notifications about this, but it seems consistent with orangebucket’s suggestion that things were still being worked out on their end, and it was just a matter of waiting.

The replacement was a fairly smooth process, with just one device (out of >80) not connecting, but that appears to have been a low-battery issue. One lighting routine seemed to need a little tweaking to work but, overall, thus far I’m quite happy to be on a new hub and optimistic that there will be few issues.

Thanks for engaging with me while this got sorted out; I’m now operating solely on the V3 Aeotec Smartthings Hub and have completely removed the Smartthings WiFi Hub from my location.


Guys, I waited a long time for this update to be able to replace my SmartThings Wifi/Hub with my new SmartThings Station hub, but even after the update I can’t do the Replacement.
Could anyone give any tips on what it could be?
Could it be that because it is (wifi Hub) you cannot use this functionality?
Very frustrated with this…

In the post above yours @hpscott said he was able to use hub replace with his WiFi hub. He said he needed to wait a little while before it could be used. Maybe he can add something.