Same device/type but multiple names, i.e. wired sensor shows up as wireless etc

I recently use the SmartThings CLI to list all my devices. I noticed something odd.

1.) Some of my Honeywell WIRED sensors shows up as “motion-sensor-wireless”, even though it was the same as other Honeywell sensors that were “motion-sensor-wired”. Both these sensors were visible to Smartthings via Eyezon that exposed them to SmartThings. I went into my Android phone app and looked at the incorrect wireless sensor which showed as WIRED in the app. I toggled it but, no real change in the Smartthings CLI listing.

2.) Similarly some of my AEOTEC smart switch 7s show up as aeotec-smart-switch-7 while others show up as metering-switch

How can I make these consistent? (There didn’t seem to be an easy way to do this in the CLI.)

Is that in the ‘name’ property? That tends to be a read-only value assigned when a device is first created and often isn’t terribly meaningful to start with, and can become less so over time.

Back in the legacy device handler days it was a ‘join name’ but you could at least change it to be something of use to you. With fingerprinted Edge drivers it is the internal device profile name from the initial pairing of the device, and stays like that even if the profile or driver is changed.

I don’t know if it is actually used anywhere or is just a relic given a prominence it doesn’t really merit.