Rule machine - as per the app developer, this app is no longer available for new installs, distribution, or support

Check out the new app I just released:


Minor update to Rule today: Version 1.2.2

Release Notes:

  • Added “Switch to disable rule” in More Options

Combined with Trigger Happy, this feature can be used for complex and subtle interactions. For example, you could have a trigger that turns on/off the Disable switch of a Rule, using a virtual switch. The use case we had of Physical Override can be implemented this way, as Trigger Happy supports a physical switch event as an action.

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Another app to take up my time, Yesssss!

If there is an MVP award for SmartThings, @bravenel wins, :hand: :hand: -down!


Installed @bravenel’s Rule Machine finally! Probably have used only 2-3 custom apps ever since I joined ST more than an year back. Just setup a few test rules and of course it works!


Please note that @bravenel Rule Machine and Trigger Happy apps are the key for opening the market for ST.

They are outstanding apps, with a simplified layout.


Is the a way to use arrivals or departures as presense conditions?

I’m hoping I understand you correctly
 but I use my android devices as presence sensors.

In the conditions I set the state of the presence sensor as “Not Present”.

If I want something to happen when I get home I set up the “false” part of the rule. That way when I come home the rule is false and the action occurs. Kind of a reverse logic
 I guess it could work the other way round too.

I spent hours testing this, but to no success. It looks like I won’t be using the delay function within the same rule. I checked the scheduling of the job for the delay but it never fired. You can see below that it is scheduling it to fire off at about 12:08, which is correct since it became true at about 12:05 and the delay is 3 minutes. I waited 5 minutes after and still none of the switches turned off. I don’t mind using 2 rules to complete this task, but I think you may want to look into this; it cannot just be me having this issue.

It wasn’t just you, but it likely wasn’t this app, either. The whole platform was up, down, and sideways for much of yesterday and today.

It’s supposed to be fixed now, so I would just try again tomorrow.

This gets part of the way there, but now you have your presence condition that can evaluate true when other conditions fire. I.e. a time window will fire when the window starts, presence can be true, and your rule gets executed but really you only want it to execute when the presence has triggered the evaluation.

doesn’t work for me
 installed as a smart app and tried create new rule and the app crashes immediately

I am on android

aside from what @JDRoberts said about service issues last night, when I was troubleshooting rule issues, I would take out all but one condition and make sure it fired on that one condition first, and then add from there.

Did you install both pieces ?

yes both piece are installed should I try publishing the 2nd piece

nothing in logs

no, Rule does not need to be published. I’d uninstall both from IDE and re-install. maybe one didn’t install properly

yep working now
 not sure what was going on

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I just got up and half of my system was completely non-responsive, some in the wrong mode, some just not working, some Osram lights on when they shouldn’t be etc. ST is having issues!!

I am beginning to feel as though ST IS the issue, as opposed to ST is having issues.

So tired of the broken product, and lack of meaningful response.

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