I can’t help on the bigger questions, but you’ll find many of the people working with SmartThings and Arduino’s in the following thread, and they’re always very helpful: ( this is a clickable link)
1/16/16 - Updated to reflect recent ST IDE nomenclature changes and v2 SmartThings Phone App image.
Just a heads up - The current Arduino IDE 1.6.6 has a bug in it which throws a compiler error (invalid namespace) when trying to build ST_Anything. Please continue to use v1.6.5 until 1.6.7 is released. You can use the latest “Hourly Build” of the 1.6.7 IDE as well, since I have confirmed the bug has been fixed in that version, as of 11/28/15.
I am happy to share with the SmartThings Community a project that my son and I have been working on for the past two weeks - ST_Anything! Our goal was to make it as easy as possible for anyone with some Arduino hardware/software skills to be able to get a new “Device” up and running in a matter of minutes versus hours/days. We have implemented many…