Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Anyone have recommendations on an Inexpensive reboot vacuum that works well with smart things and Alexa?

Neato D3 is a good one, Smartthings integration works great. I have mine set to clean when everyone leaves

What’s your definition of inexpensive? I got a refurb model Samsung R7040 for $212. Cleans well, runs into chair legs sometimes, but native SmartThings integration.

What I really need is a pre-vac robot that will pick up stuff firs before the robot vac runs… oh wait, that’s me.

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The Neato D3 works great for me.
I tried a Shark ION ROBOT 750 first, but returned it after one use.

As Greg said, ST integration is very good.
I am using the Neato Connect Smartapp:

You can read all the information you are looking for in the blog of my friend Richard, he writes various reviews about gadgets for smart home.