Ring Floodlight Cam Wired Pro?

Does anyone know if the soon to be released (Est May) Floodlight Cam Wired Pro will be supported by ST and if so, by when? Thanks

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What brand?

Sorry, should have added ‘Ring’ in the first place.

I don’t think anybody knows since its not out yet and the ring integration with SmartThings is currently a real crap shoot with what works and what doesn’t.

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OK. Thanks

Since these have been released has anyone tried them for ST compatibility? I’m interested in buying them but I don’t want to have to return them like I just did with the stick up battery cams.

I just setup my Ring Floodlight Pro and ST does not recognize it at all. Any way to request an update?

@garrett.kranz can you confirm if the Ring Floodlight Cam Wired Pro works with the SmartThings app?

All ring cameras should work now. A new ring integration went live a couple days ago.

Thank you! I just checked again and SmartThings will only pull up my existing ring devices. I even unlinked the accounts, removed access from both sides and re-added. The device works well on its own within the Ring app. This wired floodlight pro came out this week and ST doesn’t seem to recognize it. I’m pretty technical but not a programmer if you want me to try anything. Any help or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Could be too new even for the newer Integration option, I’ll be happy to double-check this for you.

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Thanks Garrett,

Please let me know if you got it and if you find anything.

For clarification if you check, I have four Ring devices on my account including the older floodlight model which works perfectly. ST is only pulling 3 devices.

^ This is the case.

We’ll be able to get this newer Floodlight Cam Pro Model added to the Integration very soon. The new Ring Integration supports automatic periodic discovery as well, so it will get added without any additional action on your part to your SmartThings Location.

Thanks for bringing this up @Starbursts @Heymarco and thank you for the tag @Bragi

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Thank you, will be patiently looking forward to the enhancement!

@garrett.kranz can we get the ability to control the flood lights added to the new integration? This was a feature of the old integration, and I just transitioned, but now am unable to rebuild my automations that used ST contact sensors to activate the Ring flood light.

An added bonus would be control of Ring modes (not alarm modes, just regular Ring modes).


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Passed both of these items along. Thanks for providing this feedback!

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Hello, is the Floodlight cam pro already integrated on Smartthings? The last message in this forum was in may. Thanks. @garrett.kranz

Just installed two new “Floodlight Cam Wired Pro” devices, and SmartThings can see them, but they do not work. They show up as devices alongside my other working Ring devices (Doorbell), and they report a status of “No Motion” but when you click on them they give an error:

“Network Connection” - Your action will be completed when your phone is able to connect to the SmartThings server.

And a spinner just keeps saying Connecting.

I logged into the API and even changed the Device Handler from “placeholder” to “Ring Floodlight Cam” but that doesn’t work.

Debating returning these and getting something compatible, though the installation was a pain above the carport. Ugh. Was hoping to integrate motion to turn on Lutron Carport lights.

I’ve written a few of my own device handlers (for other devices including Qmotion shades), but this one is a cloud integration, and I don’t think there’s much we can do.

Anyone have any other luck getting these to work?

This is resolved in the latest App Version for iOS (1.6.74-566) which released yesterday. Sorry that you had trouble. Try again with the latest App Version and let us know if there’s any continued troubles.

Yes, it is. Sorry for the late reply!

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