"Report on sleeping environment"?

This morning, I found a new entry on the instruction section, translated from german into “Report on sleeping environment”.

Although there is a description, where to find this report (Home/Dashboard), I can not find (or use) it anywhere.
Is this location relatable? There is no indication of a localization limitation within the long description text.

I am extremly interested in having this:)

Android App is on, V3 Hub on 055.00005 - no updates available

(sorry, text in german…):

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Waiting for the opinion of @orangebucket .

I’ve not seen any sign of it in the UI yet, though it has to be said that most of my Home Insights functionality has been broken for months now and I also run it with the ‘insights’ bit switched off because I find it extremely uninsightful.

I have seen evidence that knows fully well what Sleep Environment is so it may be they have to press a ‘go’ button in the cloud, or alternatively they made a rick of it and are waiting for the next app release. I’ve also read the configuration file in the API. Unfortunately it just reads [].

It could, of course, be that it only appears under certain circumstances which don’t apply to me.


It does already show up and is fully functional on my new S25+ running One UI 7 and Android 15 (though it still doesn’t work on any of my other devices). It works pretty much exactly as explained there, in my case it shows the readings from the sensors of my Hue motion sensors after it prompted me to select which room I sleep in. Also doesn’t seem like this feature is geo-restricted, I’m in Germany and we’re usually one of the last to get new SmartThings stuff.

I’ll dive deeper into it and post screenshots once I get home.

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My non-technical opinion is that it is sounds like yet another half-arsed ‘service’ from Samsung. I applaud what they are doing with the ‘SmartThings’ app to work with SmartThings to enhance user experience with their products but except where I have those products myself I really couldn’t give a toss. I just wish they’d call it ‘Samsung Connect’ again as it really is a Samsung customer app.

Please, please, give us a real ‘SmartThings’ app or web app that can be used to fully manage the SmartThings platform and nothing else and treats Samsung as a third-party. It’ll all work so much better.


There’s the Health app, where this feature belongs to. It could connect via c2c if needed.

…and now: it completely disappeared from the instructions list. so, yeah, seems to was published to early.

maybe have to wait for “one ui 7” to be updated on my devices.

I’m looking forward to have some more “statistical” insights connect and combine data from both the Samsung Health app (sleep pattern, disturbances, pulse, o2 level etc.) and some useful sensors (temperature & humidity, noise, lightlevel, co2 & VOC levels etc.) in the room I am sleeping in. This won’t be groundbreaking or truely scientific, for sure. But fun to see and maybe useful to alternate or automate stuff.

@derbusch - is yours still there and working?

Yup, it still shows up for me. I’ve also been hoping for a deeper integration between Samsung Health and SmartThings for a long time, this is at least a (perhaps very small) step in the right direction. The functions are pretty rudimentary for now, it only takes your sleep data from Samsung Health (aka literally only when you slept, it disregards everything else like sleep stages, etc.) into account and maps sensor data from a specific room, which you get to choose.

But see for yourself: :slight_smile:

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How to add sensors because I have 2 in my room and it only reads from one on the window?