So with that setting the sensor will not report unless the humidity has changed by ±5% and 5 minutes has passed. If 15 minutes passes, it will report the current value no matter what. Remember even though the device sends a message every 15 minutes, the DTH may not report it if the value has not changed. You would only see that reporting in the logs.
Now there could be an issue with the configure command not being executed. That normally only happens when the device is joined to SmartThings, though I think switching DTHs may execute it as well.
To get around this you can use CoRE to execute the configure command. That would only need to be done once after you change it. No parameters are needed. Another choice would be to change the following:
valueTile("humidity", "device.humidity") {
state("humidity", label:'${currentValue}${unit}', unit:'%', icon:"st.Weather.weather12", backgroundColor:"#00adc6")
main (["motion"])
valueTile("humidity", "device.humidity") {
state("humidity", label:'${currentValue}${unit}', unit:'%', icon:"st.Weather.weather12", backgroundColor:"#00adc6")
standardTile("reconfigure", "device.reconfigure", inactiveLabel:false, label:"Reconfigure", decoration: "flat") {
state "default", action:"configure", icon:""
main (["motion"])
By adding those lines you will have a new tile called Reconfigure you can press to rerun the configure command.