[RELEASE] New MQTT Bridge with Tasmota Sonoff Wifi and RF Integrations and other custom MQTT

Hi @Tech_GFam,

Thanks for your work on the MQTT bridge !

I have a trouble publishing message from ST to MQTT device with “retain” flag.

MQTT DEVICE --> ST my messages are retained
ST --> MQTT DEVICE the message is sent successfully but not retained

Can you help ?


could you please do me a favor and publish this on the github site?
Just want to make sure you have your config site

  1. In config.yml there is the retain setting which applies by default to any MQTT message published from ST
  2. Then there is the device specific retain setting in the devices.yml which will over ride the global setting for that specific devie
  3. In the config file of your MQTT broker there is likely a separate setting for retain too.

have you tried to make sure that all these are set correctly?

when you restart the server all retained messages from all devices show up at the startup?

How are you confirming that your messages from ST are not retained?