Hi, I am new to ST. I have, last weekend, managed to set up my first smart app and get hive to work but now I want to get my sonoff switch to work via ST.
I ordered 2x Sonoff DIY switches, so far only used one for my kitchen Light which is a florescent tube fitting. Via alexa it works.
Can anyone tell me how I go about getting ST to see it and be able to control it. I flashed it with tasmota in order to be able to use it via LAN rather than via China incase of Internet outage.
Any help would be appreciated.
Is it Sonoff Mini og Sonoff R3? They are the only ones with DIY mode as far as I know?
Thing is though, the Mini at least, is a bit problematic to get working with ST as of right now. I have two of them, and I can’t get it to work. There are device handlers that should work, sorta. But I can’t get it to work correctly.
Regarding the R3, I don’t know. Haven’t tried it. But a couple of week ago, the released a Zigbee version of the R3. That one is easy to pair with ST. Just turn it on, and do an automatic search in ST, and it will find it right away.
At the moment the two options would be direct cloud connected device or cloud to cloud connected device. We don’t have support for MQTT locally at this point. Much like flashing with tasmota, you could flash them with the device kit package we just announced at SDC. The docs, guides, sdk and videos from SDC should go live in the next week or so.
Uhh… Sound interresting. So that will be a completely different firmware than Tasmota? Will it be ready for Sonoff Mini right at the start, or do we have to wait for someone to make that firmware?
No, it would be custom firmware.
It’s the R3
Alright. But still promising. Hope it will resolve in easy integration in the near future.
In that case… Sell them and buy the model called Basic ZBR3. That’s the one with Zigbee, and will integrate with ST without any fiddling or flashing.
Where can I buy one pls?
They are the ones producing them. Direct link here:
Device Kit will support the chipset but custom firmware will need to be baked to flash for each device. It would then speak directly to SmartThings severs via MQTT using our capability models.
The next way to do it would be to host a local endpoint smartapp connector that communicates with our cloud on behalf of your devices as a bridge.
Sounds very cool. Hope capable people will be able to cook up firmware in a hurry
@Anders_Dalsgaard docs are live now
If someone wants to take a crack at a sonoff implementation
@jody.albritton, isn’t this a bit of an overkill?
- Prerequisites
Active enrollment as an organization member in the Developer Workspace
How can be anything developed and tested by simple users? Should anybody who wants to write some code register an Organization?
Have a look at this topic @DrJon
Otherwise this DIY option looks really interesting. From the documentation is not clear, when the DIY activated through the jumper does the eWeLink connection deactivated?! (If the eWeLink connection is still active, then it still runs through China too.) But the whole solution of the DIY LAN access is similar to the Shelly’s LAN API or @erocm1231’s solution, but @erocm1231’s firmware adds password protection of the device too, what is a really good feature.
You can find more topics about some Tasmota integrations too, but if you can flash a firmware try the mentiones topic’s.
You can even use @erocm1231’s Tasmota fork, what is discussed in the topic.
Otherwise, the LAN mode/DIY mode support only local control according this review.
@jody.albritton, the LAN mode provides a REST API almost out of the box for the new Sonoff devices. It would just require a websocket integration with mDNS discovery. It could be even a local DH if someone in Smartthings would write the code for it. You could extend the Sonoff integartion in the new app.
At the moment hub connected devices are being re-designed. Zigbee and ZWave devices will come first followed by Lan connected. I don’t have a timeline but the current groovy implementation is probably not going to be full featured enough to get where you want to go. The links I provided above are a solution for today knowing that down the road we might have something better.
I was in your boat a couple of weeks ago. I just posted a revamped MQTT bridge that should work hopefully with most tasmota devices.
From a manufacturer point the SDK and the example is awesome, if you would start to build your device now and want to have easy integration. But we (simple coders) still haven’t got a way to build our ideas in the new development platform and for the new app.
The idea is great, how it should work. But it is still focused only the on the manufacturers/developers. A lot of us would love to rewrite our DHs to be able to integrate into the new app with full features. Even if it be zigbee, Z-wave or LAN connected.
What do you mean when you say simple coders vs developers? The SDK can be flashed to very inexpensive hardware and have a direct connected cloud device in a few minutes. Z-Wave, Zigbee, and Lan improvements are coming in the near future too. As of today you can still port your zigbee and zwave DTH to our new app via the dev workspace.
Any feedback you have would be great.