Responded to your email, I think WebCore or Core is the easiest solution since it is so flexible and you can link the alarm state with the home/away/disarmed mode of ST. Once you have done that it is quite easy to link with lights using the ‘Smart Lighting’ app, alternatively you can do more of it with WebCore as desired.
But if anybody else is using another tool then please let me know as I’d love to know all potential options!
I am seeking for a SmartThings app code that can pick ELK alarm status and then allow events to be created according to the arming status. None of the native apps sees the alarm status and hence no event can be created; and I do not have the facility to create one. I am not speaking of the zones.
Is there anyone out there who has done this? I am willing to pay for a working app.
No one is interested?
Webcore is not that difficult to setup and an amazing tool to have for other devices too. Step by step instructions here
Thanks, will give it a go!
Hi, I have my own esp board and had been playing with a firmware from last year, how does one get an updated firmware now that some of the bugs have been worked out? Happy to send over some beer $…
@Stephen_Schwarz - Anybody who has purchased a device from me will get continuous updates for life (when Ive covered my costs I’ll release it publicly, but there arent many users atm sadly).
Currently it runs smoothly through ethernet (with M1XEP) or Serial (without) and supports outputs/zones/panel status. If you already have an ESP then perhaps send me £20 via Paypal gift to avoid fees (link in first post) and I’ll send you the current firmware.
Thanks, check your PayPal, I have been using a version of your code from last year via the M1XEP. Let me know best route to upgrade when you send the firmware.
Thanks for all of the hard work on this @cjcharles! This was something I was waiting for before moving to SmartThings.
Thanks, glad to hear it.
Got some cool changes coming aswell that should allow it to integrate with all sorts of smart home platforms through MQTT, making it flexible based on whatever ST decide to do in the future.
Does this support Elk Tasks? There’s some automation I have embedded in the ELK that I’d like to trigger, rather than rewrite in SmartThings…
@politics123 In principle yes, the easiest option is if you have an output which is changed in order to trigger it, but it would be easy to add that feature if you can’t do it through an output (in which case I’d need to add it)
So I think I have my wemos device setup correctly. Using wifi… i can config the device.
- I get the alarm status
- I can see the zones
But the links to arm/disarm don’t work. I’ve tried different user codes, using my installer code, etc to no avail. When I click on the links on the status page, the browser quickly refreshes back to the main status page. But the alarm doesn’t arm. Any suggestions on what I’ve done wrong?
@politics123 - The one time I have seen this problem before it was because of a setting in the Elk control panel which prevented alarm state changes from other devices. Could you have a skim through the alarm settings and see if you can find it?
I got it to work. I still play around with Hassio and there’s a post there where remote-control of alarm states doesn’t work. It wasn’t completely clear what the solution was… the problem was either that you can’t use user001 at all, or that the user had the “access” flag checked in user authorizations. I switched to user006 and unchecked the box, so at least one (if not both) of those resolved the issue.
Great, glad to hear it!
Thanks Chris!
I’m having trouble getting ST to recognize the device, though I followed the directions (I think!). Currently stuck on the “refresh and configure” page where the tiles are supposed to show up. I tried once where I added custom tiles, and once where I used the code as-provided. Still troubleshooting.
I have a bunch of “high number” zones and outputs. Do I need to configure all the outputs/zones I have in the elk (eg: by not configuring output 60, am I causing ST to not be able to communicate with the Device Handler?) I am able to turn outputs on/off using the web-page, so I know the device can actually interact with the higher outputs…
Just confirming that the network DNI needs to be the MAC address and not the IP address of the NodeMCU?
Glad you have got the NodeMCU working properly. Sorry for the late reply, been a mental busy week. To answer your questions:
Changing output numbers in the tile will not cause the device to fail communication with ST
It should be the MAC address of the NodeMCU which you enter as the DNI (without any colons)
Can you get any commands working from ST? I would expect one direction should work if you have added the IP addresses correctly. I.e. if you have entered the IPs then you should be able to arm/disarm through ST, but may never receive the zone information.
What is your network setup? Do you have multiple access points and/or sub networks? Those tend to be very effective in stopping ST communicating since ST hubs seem to only talk to devices directly attached to the same network, meanwhile computers/phones/laptops/… are much better at seeing all devices on your network. If you give me a short summary I will hopefully know more about what is blocking ST from talking with the NodeMCU.
I did figure out the networking glitch, though I never did get the Smart Things app to work on my phone (to trigger the auto-creation of the zones). I was able to run the app in the Smart Things IDE in simulated mode so I did get the auto-created panels.
Remaining Issue: Not all of my zones are reporting “motion.” For example, I have contact closure sensors on my front door, garage door, and mudroom (garage to house) door. The front door never reports being open (err "active’) to SmartThings, whereas the garage and mudroom doors do.
I noticed that when I have live logging on, and open the front door, the SmartThings logs “front door” motion, even though the actual name of the device is “Alarm front door.” The “Alarm front door” details has the correct AlarmZone# and everything.
I wonder if this is caused by how I created the tiles. Is there a way to reconnect the Alarm front door (and other tiles where this is broken) or is there a “reset” or “rebuild” option where I can delete all the tiles and start over again, to see if that resolves the issue?
Can you drop me an email as Ive been testing a big pile of changes which I think make a big improvement and should fix the issues with some zones not working. Id just like another person to test it and then I’ll send it out to everybody else.