It may cost more depending on how many bulbs there are, but if you use Hue bulbs you should be able to use their new partner switches which are coming out at the end of this year. ( they should also work with the less expensive IKEA Tradfri models as long as those lamps are connected to the hue bridge.)
These look just like regular switches but don’t require batteries as they harvest a tiny bit of energy when someone presses on them. They do physically require a hard press, But I understand that in your case that’s not an issue, and it’s not so difficult that people will complain about them.
Philip has announced these in both US and UK styles ( different partner companies) for release by the end of the year. They are going to work for a lot of people, I think.
If use them with smartthings, you won’t have control of the switches, but it won’t matter, because you’ll have control of the bulbs. The switches just become an alternate means of control.