Does Samsung have any plans to have real and useful integration for nest products ?
Can’t attach a photo from a camera on an event
Cant use nest protect sensors AT ALL
Can’t use a motion ZONE on smarthings its either motion in the entire cam view or nothing, not really “smart”
List can go on, im just frustrated , thinking of changing out everything nest and smartthings for more universal equipment I can hop hubs with .and further customize.
Nest Protects use a different API and they were not part of the devices available from this new Google Device Access Program. You would face the same issue with any other platform. (Nest protects are not even listed in the Google Home app, they are only accessible from the Nest app.)
ok still stinks, typical google . However can I at least use an activity zone within nest as my motions trigger for my porch lights for crying out loud
No idea, I don’t have a paid subscription for Nest, but if you can define area for a motion trigger with that, then I guess that’s how ST should receive it.
Here are the Camera traits from the Device Access Program. No mention of zones.
ST uses only what comes from Google. ST will not provide any image processing for motion zone definitions.
This would be help as the generic any motion is of no use for my application . I dont see that over in Smartthings though only a motion / no motion setting
For the Nest protects, and more features for your Nest tstat, there is a custom integration which even exposes the motion and presence sensors (and is compatible with automation and dashboards):