Rachio Iro Smart Irrigation Controller Integration

Our biggest challenge with nest was the complicated API rate-limits. I’m hoping Rachio’s API is not nearly as strict?

Your 100% right it was my idea. I don’t think i was expecting this many people to want to use their Rachio with ST :slight_smile:


I’m not that familiar with the ST ecosystem, sorry for that. It sounds like you are the expert in this area, I bow to you :smile:

Wondering if you’d like to review the code before we start the cert process for any obvious missing things?


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It took weeks of tweaking to get it to work, but its pretty solid now. There are similarities between integrating this and Nest. Probably won’t have to poll nearly as much, or increase polling during active hours (morning and evening).

See what Rachio has to say, would hate to work on it just to have an official release stomp on it.

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If you are comfortable with that I would be happy to.

Ok cool, will reach out to you when we have an alpha candidate.




Good to know. As a short term, @tonesto7 thought of a great idea of capturing the stop point of a running program, storing it somewhere and then starting it up again when necessary. For example, if I stop my program “Run all zones”, 30 minutes into the 60 minutes of scheduled time, I know I need to run the remaining 30 minutes of the program".

You can probably look at the current time that someone stops a program, and then use the /public/device/:id/event?startTime=:startTime&endTime=:endTime to determine how much time is left by subtracting current time from end time. You can then use the /public/schedulerule/:id to get information about what zones already ran vs need to run and then use /public/zone/start to start the zones manually. It’s not pretty, but it might actually work :slight_smile:

@franzgarsombke please reach out to @Tyler and his team for direct interaction with ST for device integration. If you just need help with writing SA/DTH, please reach out to @slagle or @jody.albritton to either join the Developers Slack or interact with them directly.

They are all extremely valuable resources within ST that can assist you with integration one way or another.

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Thanks! We are already working with members of the ST team, I do appreciate the extra resources.



I’m lost here. Where is the link / reference to the GitHub repo to add this? it’s not in smart things “Things” list yet, but I, like many others, want it. I see you have been posting about it for nearly 1.5 years now. Please provide a github repo so we can manually integrate it…

Still “Coming Soon” but it sounds like its close.

But even if it is coming soon, it is only fair to the community to provide a github repo so that those of us comfortable with the SDK can test it out, and maybe even provide fixes.

When they are ready I’m sure they’ll release it, until then, fair is waiting patiently.

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I guess I’m just too impatient then. They claimed it was working for a long list of functionality 1.5 years ago when they told us it was coming, then much later announced plans to integrate with echo. Amazon echo already has integration. I’ll give it a few more months, then I will start digging into it myself, as they have publicly posted the API for their controller.

I have no problems with dumping their controller for another one that works. That’s how I got here in the first place. I tried Wink Hub, then Staples Connect, and now I am on SmartThings. They only things I am missing are integrations with my Racchio and Nest. I really won’t have an issue with buying the Vera Plus and where all my devices are supported now that it is out. But I really do like this hub better because of the SDK, and community supported devices.

The Community Supported devices is what this forum is all about. But, Iro seems to think it is better to use this community as a teaser forum.

Nest integration is great with @tonesto7’s Nest Manager. Granted it’s technically not supported by ST, it is rock solid and provides many different automation possibilities.

As far as Rachio, I would love the integration too, but you can use IFTTT for the time being. Just out of curiosity, what kind of automations would you do through ST for Rachio? I have one really good use case but since Rachio disabled the “Pause” command, that’s not even possible through an official SmartApp/API. Meanwhile, the Rachio native app is really good and doesn’t require much tinkering.

There are many things I can do, but the key items are to suppress the sprinklers in my backyard when I turn on my patio light, or put my backyard into party mode, so they do no come on. And I use one zone to turn top-off my pond with fresh water. Currently, I use the app to manually turn on this valve for 30 minute intervals. But I want to use a water sensor to turn off the valve when the pond is full, and to turn on the valve when no water is sensed. I would couple this with an alert to my phone to add chlorine removal to the pond when I get home.

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Most of this can be accomplished with IFTTT and Smartthings recipes along with virtual switches. You should check it out.

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Can’t wait for this, I’m using IFTTT right now, but this would be a cleaner integration.

any update?

Website still says “on hold”. I will note here, though, that they have now published the API - https://rachio.readme.io/v1.0/docs