I’ll add my 2 cents in here…
I’m frustrated too. I’ve asked and asked about the original smartoutlet that came with the backer kits on Kickstarter to be able to report electricity usage. You can see here: SmartPower Outlet to meter enegy usage
We have been told so many times that that would work and that it was waiting on QA…never happened.
I have asked so many times about the integration that @wackware did with the Quirky Nimbus. They said it was waitin gon QA…that was submitted around April some time. Still not available for us. Quirky Nimbus
I’m also frustrated with how fast other things like Quirky are working with the MyQ garage door openers, Honeywell thermostats, Nest, etc.
I have no interest in leaving SmartThings, but if this continues along with the instability of the whole platform I might be looking for another option.
Sorry for the rant…