I am planning to use a couple of Kindle Fires for my alarm/status panels with SmartTiles and thought it would be nice if you could setup a psuedo alert for when you enter the house when it is Armed. Is there any way to do something like that? I’d set my smartrule to wait 30-45 seconds before firing off real alarm while the panel chirps to remind you that the alarm is armed and needs to be disabled.
Might be able to do this with LANnouncer on there. It can run in the background on your Kindle Fire tablet and be used for audio alerts. I have not used mine to play sounds, but I know it supports Chimes and Alarms and custom audio files (premium version only, I think).
thanks, i will dig into this. i was just going to use Hells Bells or something…
(ActionTiles.com co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
Great ideas, everyone!
A “notification engine” of some sort, is on our radar for consideration post SmartTiles V6 release. As with every feature, we don’t intend to replicate every feature of SmartThings’s native interface, nor other apps like Pushbullet, etc., … but there will be some stuff that @625alex may find is the right balance between development difficulty, stability risk, and user benefit.
Question. It shows three options, one being WAN messaging but implies it is a premium. Is that the option I need? I selected that and it shows “user is not premium”
You should be fine with GCM (Google Cloud Messaging).
That is what I use on mine. I use mine connected to my Amazon Echo so that it can play the audio on a better speaker, louder, and more centralized (tablet is by the front door, Echo is centralized in the residence).
ok thanks for the help. i got it installed and working. now just need to think my smartrules over on how i want to fire this and delay before firing my alarm siren. the built in alarm will work fine.
Sorry, I guess quote did not come through. Just looking back through this to get my panel back up and going and saw this comment from you
Great ideas, everyone!
A “notification engine” of some sort, is on our radar for consideration post SmartTiles V6 release. As with every feature, we don’t intend to replicate every feature of SmartThings’s native interface, nor other apps like Pushbullet, etc., … but there will be some stuff that @625alex may find is the right balance between development difficulty, stability risk, and user benefit.