Looking to switch over to smartthings, local microcenter has F-MON-KIT-1 on sale for 109
I’ve done a number of searches attempting to get details with no luck. It appears to be a V2 hub by the picture, the people in the store are of no use.
Seems like it a good deal but not sure, anybody know for sure the difference is between the kit-1 and kit-2? And is it worth getting?
Very unlikely there’s a V1 hub in that kit. Possible that some of the sensors/outlet are older generation? But if so they should still work fine.
Samsung website doesn’t make it super clear. But the kit includes four AA batteries, which are probably for the v2 hub. V1 hub didn’t have battery backup and the sensors that come with the kit don’t take AAs.
Both the –1 and the -2 have a V2 hub, two multi sensors, a motion sensor, and a pocket socket. The -2 just has slightly newer models of all the sensors and the pocket socket. ( in fact, some people prefer the -1 version of the motion sensor as it seems to be a little more responsive.)
As long as you’re buying it from someplace where it will count as an authorized sale so the warranty will still be good, it shouldn’t matter much.
picked one up today, and did not install the batteries as I have a few UPS’s as I work from home and need to exit what I’m doing in a orderly fashion so just plugged the hub into an open socket. the transition was fairly easy from my limping wink1 hub though it took a while for the thing to apply updates I do have to say it seems a lot faster then the wink was even giving it command via google home