Professional monitoring services for Smartthings 2023

There aren’t any at the present time which would meet the UL standard for security systems.

The closest is probably the combination of and Noom, but in that one, there’s still no battery back up, and all notifications still go via the Internet, not cellular.

A popular low cost option is to get the ring security system (which is UL listed on its own), and then get some integration through Alexa routines. But the cost of this will be going up next year for many people, because the Alexa Guard feature, which used to include free integration between ring security and Alexa routines, is now going to an add on paid subscription structure.

Amazon to change Alexa Guard features, begin requiring paid subscription

There are also some community members who use abode as their primary security system with and Ifttt integration to Smartthings.

Here’s a fairly recent discussion thread about these options:

Opinions on monitored security with ST and lots of zwave/zigbee? (2023)

And here’s a thread from last month which discussed the differences between smartthings and a UL listed security system:

Security system arming delay when using STHM? - #7 by JDRoberts

But again, the short answer is that smartthings is good for convenience notifications, but not a good match for most people as a primary security system.