Problem with Importing SmartThings Devices into Harmony

That I’m not sure about. My issues is with one Harmony hub syncing with ST with two ST hubs in my account. Even though they’re different locations.

I am having the same problem. Has anyone found a fix for this yet? Everything was working great then after a power failure at my house the integration between Harmony and Logitech broke and now I can’t re-add any devices.

I have tried power cycling everything (not sure if this is hardware related or just in the cloud between both services), as well removing everything related from both apps, as well as doing it from my computer with no success.

I have gotten confirmation from ST support that for now, the integration is broken and they are working to fix it.

Well that’s some good news at least. Thank you!

Seems this issue has been resolved. I was able to re-add my SmartThings hub and all my devices.

Really? That would be amazing. I’ll have to check.

I’ve been having the same issue for over a year with no fix. I also have two ST hubs in two different locations. Issue doesn’t seem fixed for me yet. Any solution? Should I drop off of the 2nd ST hub that I’m a guest of?

I have this issue now. I added a new location and hub today and cannot import devices from
ST -> Harmony.

I finally found the source of the issue for me. I have a PiHole (Raspberry Pi based ad blocker) on my network that was blocking the discovery between the Harmony Hub and SmartThings hub. Once I removed it I was able to discover the devices without issue.

I’m having this problem in August 2020 and unlike Spaded21, I don’t have a PiHole that seems to be blocking these devices from importing into Harmony.

Anyone else found a solution to this issue?

Quick summary of the steps taken:
-Login to harmony app
-Add new device
-Pick “SmartThings”
-It opens the SmartThings login screen and I login
-Pick my SmartThings devices and click “authorize”
-Harmony opens back up and tries to import the devices and it eventually times out and fails


Same issue! Help please!!!

Can anyone at least determine if this is a logi issue which wouldn’t surprise me, or ST

How do I get in contact Samsung over this? Products not doing as they should and left to try and sort myself seems really unfair

I have a hub based Harmony remote with a touchscreen (I believe Harmony Home or something like that). I had the Smartthings and Harmony integrated for a couple years and recently, I had to add a few more smart plugs. When I tried to add Smartthings devices through the Harmony app, I received the error that others in this forum have seen:

"Error message: “Harmony Ultimate Home couldn’t find any supported devices in your SmartThings account.”

Making matters worse, when I ran the sync with the remote, all of the Smartthings plugs I had previously were removed from the remote. I tried a number of things suggested on this forum, which did not work. After probably 10 iterations of changing things and syncing, my remote became unusuable and “the activities” could not be activated. For example, while the activities were visible on the screen, the remote was unresponsive when an activity was pressed. To fix this, I did a factory reset of the remote and did a sync on the remote ( ). The sync took a bit longer than usual.

Surprisingly, I can now see the Smartthings plugs on the remote and so I believe the factory reset cleared something up. I don’t want to experiment with it any further since it is working now but this may be something to try.

factory refresh did not work for me. I have been in and out of this issue for 2 years. BUT I did confirm that it works when I completely delete my second hub. I have two houses and just happen to be moving out of one now so I deleted the hub and the import worked.


Read somewhere that once you go into the Harmony setup in ST you lose the integration. Read on another forum that Logitech was dumping Harmony.

Things are getting worse and worse. When I first started with ST five years ago, the sky was the limit. Now, the ceiling is getting more and more closer till finally we will not be able to stand…

Such a shame.

Things I miss the most:

Classic App
Family Tab
Custom Icons
Longer Periods of Reliability
Easy to Make DTHs

I actually had to do some Harmony maintenance yesterday to incorporate a new AV receiver. YMMV but I had to go in to the Harmony SmartApp within ST a few times to import new Harmony activities and I didn’t notice any issues.

I have three Harmony hubs.

But yes, I have read folks having many challenges of late with ST and Harmony. Thus far I have been okay.

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