Trust me. You can do this! Seems like alot but once you go through the process, you will see that it’s not so bad.
To create the Virtual Contact Sensors:
You need log into the SmartThings IDE/Graph
Click the My Locations Tab at the far left upper corner
Click Home
Will probably have you log-in again
Click the My Devices Tab
Click New Device on far right upper corner
Name: Contact 1 Virtual (Whatever you like here)
Label: Contact 1 Virtual (Whatever you like here)
Zigbee: skip
Device Network ID: contact1 (Again can be whatever you like)
Type: Simulated Contact Sensor
Version: Published
Location: Home
Hub: Your Hub
Group: skip
Done! Easy as that.
Follow the instructions here on how to install custom code for Smart Apps
The original FAQ information in this thread refers to the original smartthings architecture, which was in place through the end of 2022 and a little beyond. Custom code was written in the groovy programming language and ran in the smartthings cloud.
As of May 2023, you can no longer add new Groovy DTH‘s or smartapps to your smartthings account. So if you came here because of a link in an old forum thread, or on another site, I’m afraid the Groovy information is no longer usable.
All of this was replaced by a new architecture. Cloud to cloud integrations use the smartthings API. Hub connected devices, mostly Zigbee and zwave, now use “Edge Drivers,” written in the LUA programming language. Here’s the official announcement on those:
The process for using a custom Edge Driver in the new …
CoRE is here:
UPDATE DEC 19 2017:
If you are still using CoRE, please update to the latest version as soon as you can. Here’s what changed:
v0.3.16e.20171219 - RC - Replaced recovery safety nets using unschedule() with a much more optimized method that does not affect ST as much as unschedule() does
This is important as CoRE has been identified as a major choke point on a certain method that it uses (ST describes that as expensive in their documentation. As it turns out, it is. With ST’s help, CoRE is now able to recover from timeouts much faster and with a lot less resources than by using its own recovery safety net. You should also consider moving on to webCoRE instead, as CoRE is no longer actively maintained and only gets critical updates.
Thank you
Continuing in the BETA process of CoRE (mil…
Direct Link to CoRE code:
Click core.groovy
Click Raw
Select All and Copy
Now you are ready to paste this into the IDE section under My Smartapps/New Smartapp/From Code.
More info onCoRE is here including a link to the wiki.
This is a noob’s post created by a noob.
EDIT: 9/9/16 updated some links and added some newer info (Amazon’s Alexa, etc.)
EDIT: 9/10/16 updated some key info not mentioned in the install links
I’ve started this not because I know a bunch about CoRE (Community’s own Rules Engine), in fact it’s quite the opposite. Instead I’m just pulling together some helpful tips which got me get started and got me up and running with this outstanding rule engine for Smartthings.
There is a lot info out there mainly designed to help people do amazing things with CoRE, but it was hard to find the “for Dummies” type info. And very hard for me (a true noob) to get started. Hopefully this post will help others who may not have ever added a custom smartapp to the IDE or maybe never even have had to log i…