Power outlet off at zero power?

Is there any way I could get a power outlet to automatically turn off when it’s using no power?

I’m a proper nerd and a bit lazy… I’ve put a power outlet on my kettle so I can say “Alexa turn the kettle on” when I’m upstairs in the office.

What I need is for the switch to then turn back off when the kettle has boiled and is using zero energy.

I also need it to send me a notification so I know when the kettle has boiled and I can go downstairs and make my cuppa :smile:

Cheers in advance for the help.

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Sure! You can use a CoRE piston to monitor the POWER usage in watts of the Z-Wave smart outlet and then turn off the smart outlet at any desired watt level. You can also have the CoRE piston send you a notification (SMS) at any watt usage level so you can tell when it turned off.

I do this using a smart outlet for my Theater projector which has a HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW watt level when it is ON, COOLING DOWN and STANDBY levels.

You can also

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Kinda having a hard time getting GitHub integrated. The instructions given: Here don’t work. There’s no “Enable GitHub Integration” link in my IDE console.

Try this link to the CoRE Wiki

Yeah… that’s where the link came from.

CoRE Wiki —> CoRE SmartApp Installation —> GitHub Installation —> SmartThings GitHub Documentation —> Click the Enable GitHub Integration link on the My SmartApps or My Device Handlers page.

There’s no “Enable GitHub Integration” link on the My SmartApps or My Device Handlers page.

Do you have these areas in your SmartThings App IDE?

Then follow the instructions in the Core Wiki to publish.

No, in my ST IDE https://graph-eu01-euwest1.api.smartthings.com/ide/apps I don’t have anything except “You don’t have any apps yet. Add one now.”

Hold up… there seems to be a 2nd Location in my ST IDE

I’ve deleted it and managed to get past step 1 & 2 in the instructions.

I can’t find the SmartApp on my phone now though.

“SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: This doesn’t seem to be mentioned anywhere but after you follow the above steps to install CoRE into your ST IDE, you will need to actually load it onto your mobile app to use it. This is merely done by adding the smartapp as you would any other. The only difference is that on your mobile app (the ST app on your phone) the CoRE smartapp you created is located in the Marketplace under “My Apps” which is at the bottom of the list of apps”

I don’t have a “My Apps” sections under Marketplace and SmartApps

Check the Automation section in the SmartThings App. This is where the SmartApps you have added to the IDE reside.

Nope, it’s not there.

On the CoRE WiKi there’s a link for the US IDE and another for the UK IDE

If I click on the US Users link https://graph.api.smartthings.com/ I can see the SmartApp in there.

If I click the UK Users link https://graph-eu01-euwest1.api.smartthings.com/ Ther’es nothing there.

Is this all because the SmartApp has been installed in the US IDE Console but my mobile is currently in the UK, where I live?

Not sure, possibly. I’m located in US. You might have to post your issue in the Core Get Peer Assistance thread.


Thanks Kurt, must have been frustrating… I could almost hear you screaming “It’s right there in front of your face”

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@BobbyBrownPants… Well sometimes the SmartThings UI behaves differently between PC, iOS and Android. But SmartThings has also introduced geo-locational variability and that is a wrinkle that I cannot seem to troubleshoot. Luckily in the Core Peer Assistant forum, they have people in UK that can help. You will like CoRE once you get the handle of it. I rarely develop anything outside of it because I can create a CoRE piston rapidly, the UI is consistent, and I can monitor it using their real-time dashboard…

Seems there’s no GitHub integration in the UK version and the only way to add SmartApps is to copy the code and do it that way.

Only problem with this is that you’ll have to keep copying the code whenever it gets updated.

Oh No! Something Went Wrong!
Error 500: Internal Server Error
URI /githubAuth/authorize
Reference Id 65d9a167-5622-48af-8be7-6146eafbfe24
Date Fri Jan 13 16:43:30 UTC 2017

Luckily the CoRE code is pretty stable and the latest features that are being added usually are not ones that would affect current basic pistons.

Even with the GitHib integration, one has to go to the SmartThings IDE and perform several manual steps. Seems like all the GitHub integration saves one is the cut & paste, and perhaps one or two steps to locate the code repositories.

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Smartthings shard@ eu01-euwest1 appears to be having problems at the moment…Cant login let alone do anything else currently.


And typically just as I post that it all comes back!!

GitHub is working on the shard:

Question - very interested in having the ability to see power usage. Reading this thread is there a piston already created or a repo to download? Thank you in advance

I want to install a zwave outlet for my TV. I have ST and harmony hub. I want to be able to understand if TV is powered on. I currently have one zwave outlet attached to electric fireplace to test with. Harmony is great but if I invoke a harmony activity via ST, say in good night routine in attempt to turn everything off and TV is already off it will turn it on.

Hope I’m explaining right. Thanks for reply