Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

2 posts were split to a new topic: How to bind IKEA Rodret Control with Sonoff Zigbee Relay?

Hi Mariano, any update on my july request ?

Thanks a lot !

Hi @SneakX2018

I added it on July 31, with other 8 requests. You were tagged and should have received an email.

Another user reported a pairing problem, which was resolved and he is using it with 5 bulbs, as you can see in the subsequent posts.

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Oh sorry thanks a lot !

That’s great. It’s been so long since I could use my IRIS 3405-L. I bought your legacy drivers years ago and they were great.

I bought three Button Aqara Switch E1 but none of the drivers available for similar modells worked.
Here is the details of the device I have. I would be very happy if you can help me about the drivers.

Manufacturer: Aqara

edit: more detail added:

@veonua @taustin @Mariano_Colmenarejo

Please read the first post in this thread. The developers will need to know the β€œfingerprint” of the device, not just what’s printed on the case, before they can help you.

You can get this at the official web ui to your SmartThings account. It’s the combination of the manufacturer ID and the model number.

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You’re right. Sorry about that. Edited my post and added that relevant page to my post.

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Hi @Arter

Please, change to zigbee thing Mc driver to see cluster used. I nee know endpoints and if it uses cluster standard 0006 or a custom cluster

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Hello Mariano,
When I try to change it to MC drivers it gives me the following errors:

But, Zigbee Thing Mc driver too?

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now I’ve got this after changing to Zigbee Thing MC:

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Well, that’s right, but you have such a large font of text on your phone that you miss part of cluster information.

Please, Copy from device history

Here it is:

Hi @Arter

Added to this driver version
Delete device and pair again with this new driver version installed in your Hub

 Name         Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc     
 Version      2023-11-20T07:50:00.761705777        
- id: "LUMI/switch.acn040"
    deviceLabel: Aqara ZNQBKG31LM
    manufacturer: LUMI
    model: lumi.switch.acn040
    deviceProfileName: three-switch

Hello Mariano,

It works perfect!
Thank you very much!


Could you please add the following two devices?

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Hi @Naga

This device exit in the driver zigbee motion sensor Mc

- id: "_TZ3000_lf56vpxj/TS0202"
    deviceLabel: TS0202 Motion Sensor
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_lf56vpxj
    model: TS0202
    deviceProfileName: motion-battery

The Other device use cluster EF00 and not work with my driver

Any update on the Edge Driver for a 3405-L Keypad ?
