Lately I have been getting a number of individual private messages from people who have what are general interest questions, usually about how a particular device works. ️:question:
For those who don’t know, I am significantly disabled. I rely on text to speech software, and just opening individual messages can be cumbersome.
I am happy to participate in forum discussions where I can, but one of the reasons that people tend to know my name is because I write FAQ posts, but that’s specifically so that I can refer future questioners over to them, which is physically much easier for me. Also, I know that there are many community members who could help in any situation, and it is much less stressful for me.
I know it seems like I’m on the forums a lot, and I enjoy participating here, but it is in short bursts and I also skip a lot of stuff.
Sending me private messages will get you less information and less frequently than just posting the same question to the forum where, again, lots of people can help.
Of course like everyone I have some friends here, and we take our off-topic conversations to private messages occasionally, but those folks understand if I don’t get back to them right away and don’t pressure me to reply.
This is a very active, creative, helpful community. Pretty much any question about the platform that you might have can be answered by many people, so just post publicly and people will be glad to help.