Today we have released an update to the SmartThings platform. As you may know, we release platform updates regularly — almost every week.
Often we do this without giving any notice to the SmartThings community. Sometimes this makes sense — we may not share internal refactorings or incremental feature work that we’re not ready to release in full yet, as examples.
However, we want to do a better job communicating the changes.
Platform Update - Release Notes (1/28/2015)
Performance improvements for the IDE. Just like you, many of us spend a good amount of time in the IDE. We’ve made several performance improvements we’re excited about (and think you will be too):
Faster IDE page load time for SmartApps and Device Types
Faster Location selection time in the IDE simulator
Faster SmartApp simulation startup time.
Fixed a bug where deleting a user didn’t delete the user’s SmartApps
Fixed a bug that prevented the Hue Connect app from being uninstalled
Deleting the last child app of a service manager now deletes the service manager itself.
Updated Groovy the SmartThings Language topic: Now part of the introduction, includes more information about the Groovy Sandbox, and a few Groovy tips/things to look for.
Added brief discussion about runEveryXMinutes to the Scheduling section.
Anything in there from non-techie average users perspective or is it all for us developers and pseudo developers (me…)? I think it’s a pretty serious question.
Often our platform release notes are going to be technical changes that we wouldn’t expect an average user to need to comb through. These may include changes to our API, improvements to our platform (IDE, simulator), updated documentation, platform-level bug fixes, etc.
As Jim said, in the interest of increased transparency we want to provide our development community with these release notes so that you can see what’s changing in SmartThings-Land.
The runEveryXMinutes is pretty big news, but it’s still not frequent enough for me. I’m coming from the land of industrial controls and arduinos, where we wait for no man / woman or device. Milliseconds or bust!
I know we’re supposed to use device handlers but sometimes they just don’t work in the way that you need.
Thank you so much for posting this, and starting the communication of this. Is there a way we could subscribe to these like we do to the so I don’t have to hunt for these on the forurms?
Great question. Right now you can choose to Watch or Track this thread from the options at the bottom of the screen here. We will also commence sending out the developer email newsletter periodically. You can make sure you are subscribed to it here.
I updated my subscripion @ben. I was already subscribed, but the other options weren’t available when i first signed up so I wasn’t getting those emails.
I have this forum watched, and i subscribed to the events and the only way i saw the platform change today Ben was your comments on this post, but i didn’t get an email w/ the update to the platform.
@thrash99er Yeah - after I said you could follow the thread I realized that isn’t going to be a good way to organize release notes. Looking for a way to follow a category now.
But discussion on a particular release could get confusing if the thread contains all releases. Archiving gets complicated and one day we will have a 4000 post thread. I feel people’s pain but I still think this is the best path unless we have them be announcement only threads without comments and discussion.
was told today that there was an update to fix wemo issues 2 weeks ago, I don’t see it listed and why hasn’t any support people told me this 2 weeks ago? Was there an update to improve wemo?
I’m not able to change state for virtual devices in the IDE, nothing happens when I press the button to change a motion sensor from inactive to active. It has been so throughout the day.