Platform Issues? - UndeclaredThrowableException Everywhere

New errors starting to be thrown constantly across multiple apps. These are repeated over and over again.

9:58:44 AM: error C*-DeviceData-Get short-circuited and fallback disabled.

9:58:32 AM: error C*-DeviceData-Get could not acquire a semaphore for execution and fallback disabled.

9:59:52 AM: error physicalgraph.exception.UncheckedException: NoAvailableHostsException: [host=None(, latency=0(0), attempts=0]No hosts to borrow from.

Whatever it is, they treat our homes as their playground and keep breaking things. Tired of it, honestly. What kind of automation is it, if you have to manually restart the apps several times a week and can never be sure if they’re running or not?


I started using SmartThings about 1 month ago with the hope it would be more solid than my prior Home Automation system. But, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Guess it’s time to revert back to OpenHAB running on a Raspberry Pi.

At least all my devices are Z-Wave, so I’ve only thrown $99 into the trash can.

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You can also recover at least half of that by selling it on Amazon or eBay.

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Same thing here
 things have been working for weeks and suddenly schedules stop working and things are breaking. Seeing a ton of UndeclaredThrowableException too

“UndeclaredThrowableException” joins “unexpected error” in our top 10 hits of the day. I’m willing to give them another month or two to see if things get better. Was looking forward to putting critical functions on this system but not yet.

I don’t know if the unreliable system or the primitive IDE or the limit on developer flexibility is worse. Taking all three becomes a heavy load to overcome.


The only time an issue gets acknowledged there is when they already have a solution. Check incident history. I haven’t checked it in its entirety, but I’d be surprised if you find one that wasn’t “resolved” within 24 hours or less (usually much less), unlike out actual real-life experience. I especially like the Hub Connectivity issues of DEC 9 and DEC 10 - logged as two separate issues with short closure time. :smile:

They are definitely playing to their Samsung masters and the general public
 trying to give the impression of a stable platform with responsive support. :laughing:

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Quoting myself LOL, but if my theory holds true, there may be good news:

But they did “fix it” within 3 hours. :wink:

ya that is fixed now
 so good. but it was a good hour after they said it was fixed before I stopped getting the exception when saving the smartapp
 oh well progress I guess

They must use really old modem to upload new software to the servers. :smile:


actually it is not totally fixed either. I have one smart lighting smart app that will not refresh or be removed or even be removed through the ide/uninstall same exception error

e8a3296e-7f6e-46c3-96c3-164e218fdc19 ‎3‎:‎54‎:‎27‎ ‎PM: error java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException

e8a3296e-7f6e-46c3-96c3-164e218fdc19 ‎3‎:‎54‎:‎25‎ ‎PM: error java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException

when trying to remove in ide you get this

Oh No! Something Went Wrong!
Error:500: Internal Server ErrorURI:/installedSmartApp/uninstall/e8a3296e-7f6e-46c3-96c3-164e218fdc19Reference Id:eeca52ad-d598-44fe-b7ad-749f665fdddfDate:Wed Jan 20 20:46:42 UTC 2016

give them a break programming the servers by paper tape is time consuming :smile:


The error has subsided quite a bit, but it still is happening.

Smart alarm is giving me this exception. Any ideas?

java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException @ line 1036

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It’s the platform. Can’t be fixed by us normal people.

Our only options would be to comment out the offending lines or try/catch. May render app useless.

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still not fixed
 cannot delete the rule 
 either can they.

and now logging is down this morning

Don’t the ST engineers have a big red button to rollback the code? Where is the contingency plan and oversight? How is this acceptable for a consumer facing product that markets security, safety, automation? Makes no sense.


they deleted it for me
 after I renamed it

Well junk. I’m getting this now too in my “Bathroom Light Control” SmartApp at Line 270 which simply calls unschedule().
It last executed properly 2016-01-19 7:22:42 AM CST according to
Also, my Goodbye routine is no longer working which is costing me real money by keeping lights and HVAC on as well as not arming my house. :frowning:

I submitted a support case as well.

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I added this to

But we really need more people to use the Wiki!

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