Placeholder and Driver Status

I am trying to figure out what the presence or absence of ‘placeholder’ in the IDE and the ‘Driver’ option in the device settings really means.

I have devices that have converted and show ‘placeholder’ in Type in the IDE Devices list but do not show a ‘Driver’ option in the devices settings.

Devices that show ‘placeholder’ and ‘Driver’ appear to have a fully functional conversion. Devices that show ‘placeholder’ without the ‘Driver’ option seem to show a partial conversion. Should I consider the presence of ‘placeholder’ to mean that Sthings has completed its conversion for that device and no longer expect the ‘Driver’ option to appear?


Placeholder in the Device Type field in IDE indicates:

  • directly connected devices are using an Edge Driver
  • cloud to cloud integrations are using the new architecture.

Driver in the ST app:

  • indicates the directly connected device is using an Edge Driver

Devices that show ‘placeholder’ without the ‘Driver’ option seem to show a partial conversion.

is it a cloud to cloud connected device? It would appear as Placeholder in IDE but there would be no Driver in the ST app for it.

Should I consider the presence of ‘placeholder’ to mean that Sthings has completed its conversion for that device and no longer expect the ‘Driver’ option to appear?

yes/no but depends on if locally connected device or cloud to cloud

Update: sorry - I had typed locally when I meant directly connected… fixed my error.


I have a few Z-Wave plugs that converted to Edge drivers. They showed as “placeholder” in the IDE for a day or two…then they switched back to what they were–BUT they still show the “driver” in the app. So, I don’t trust the IDE to prove if something is converted or not.

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"is it a cloud to cloud connected device? It would appear as Placeholder in IDE but there would be no Driver in the ST app for it.

All with Placeholder are Cloud except a few. For identical devices that show placeholder, some show local, most show cloud.

I also notice that the status of the devices are changing to a converted state more rapidly. Very evolving.

yes, this is expected… no Driver in the app for Cloud to Cloud devices.

local execution is not properly reflected for devices with Placeholder in IDE. IDE was designed for groovy.


Understood. Much appreciated. No clue how you keep all this sorted out but the community (and Samsung) owe you greatly. Thanks.

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