Osram Lightify Switch (Not the Osram Dimming Switch)

I have bought a lot of those Osram Bulbs and I am looking for a switch to turn them off/on. Osram has the Lightify Switch, so this seems like a good option. Has anyone gotten this switch to work with Smartthings?

I am open to other suggestion, but I have the UK hub, and I can’t seem to find any switch which is supported by Smartthings.

Product link:

Community members have been working on the lightify dimmer switch, and then are now several different device type handlers that work with it. :sunglasses::bulb:

The non dimmer is on Osram’s official UK products list, so it should show up in the UK eventually:

Meanwhile, for the UK there is a battery operated zwave switch available from multiple brands (popp, devolo, and Z wave.me.) Which is working very well thanks to a community created device handler. While not designed to fit over an existing switch the same way the Osram does, there are community members that have either just put a box over the existing switch or actually 3-D printed some very nice looking frames for it. Again, discussion in the forums. I would look at that as a UK option.

Blanking cover project for the Popp:

You should also check the UK lighting FAQ for other switch ideas.

In the US, the new Linear smart switch cover which is a similar design to the Lightify seems to be working well and there are other options there as well. But it’s not available on the UK zwave frequency.

Instead of using the forum search, I recommend using google with the search term “community.smartthings” and then whatever you’re actually interested in, such as a device name. That should turn up most discussions. :sunglasses:


Thanks for providing a lot of relevant threads. I have already read the Osram Lightify Dimming Switch thread. However, this is a different devices which I think is only avaliable in the USA? The Osram Lightify Switch is just a dumb 4-switch, so it may be easier to integrate?

I have been using Google and Smartthings to search for a thread, and it does not seem that this device has been dicussed before. From my market research, it seems that device is avaliable from some German retailers, but avaliability outside Germany is rather limited. Only a few UK sellers has it.

I will look into other devices. It is just that Osram is reputable brand, so it seems like the neutral choice.

Thanks for the correction on the specific device model. The Osram switch you mention, the nondimming one, is likely to run into exactly the same problems as the dimmer because of the protocol being used, which is zigbee. It would certainly be worth trying to get it to work, I’m just concerned it would run into the same issues as the other one.

In contrast, the Popp/devolo/zwave.me switches are using Zwave ( on the UK frequency) and the device handler for that is working well.

Although Osram is certainly a much larger international company, the other three are well known for creating network devices and well-established.

www.vesternet.com is one of the best-known retailers for network devices in Europe, and is a good place to look rather than just googling. Any brand they carry should be OK, although only the zwave devices are likely to be compatible with SmartThings, and not all of those, so always check the forums on specific models as well.

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I will properly end up buying the Z-Wave.Me controller. I just need to convince myself that it is not too ugly; that thing looks big and it has a very big frame. Haha, I must admit, I am Dane and we like minimalistic things. Do not blame the guy, blame the country :joy:

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They do come in a choice of colors and finishes. You can buy the various pieces separately to get the look that you like.

This is what minimalistic design looks like:
I will see whether I can buy the controller and built it into this, that would be really cool, and WAF would definitely be a 10.

I understand.

It won’t solve your problem because you can’t as yet use it with SmartThings unless you are also using your bulbs through a hue bridge, but I personally like the design of the Phillips hue personal dimmer switch. It can control up to 10 bulbs at once and has dimming as well as on/off. When used with the bridge it becomes a parallel means of control. SmartThings doesn’t know what you did with the switch, but since it polls the hue bridge about every five minutes anyway, the status gets caught up.

It has a magnet back, so I put mine on my refrigerator where my assistance dog can use it.

It’s a good price and solves a lot of problems for us.

I believe you could use it, but you would have to also buy a Phillips hue bridge and then connect your bulbs to that. The switch would work on its own with the bulbs, but only if it stole them from Smart things. In order to be able to use the bulbs with both smart things and the Phillips switch, you have to do it through a hue bridge.

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I thought about going the Philips way, but I hated the fact that I needed two hubs and the 5 min pulling interval. I will also be adding some Fibaro relays, so I need something that is not limited to Philips only.

Then you’re definitely better off with a device like the zwave.me that can be used as what SmartThings calls a “button controller.” They can be used with any device that can be controlled by SmartThings.

If it doesn’t have to be wall mounted, or if you’re willing to build your own frame, the Aeon minimote is minimalist and very popular. Available in both the US and UK frequencies.

Shop around, prices vary a lot. Also Sometimes the black colour costs more than the white, sometimes less:


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I have actual been looking into this remote, and it seems like it is a pretty good option. I have not seen a wall mount for this remote.

Like you have a wall mount for your AC remote, so you always know where it is.

There isn’t a wall frame that I know of, although some members have built one or even just used Velcro on the back. (It’s very light.)

Some people just use a tool holder.

One person has a 3D printed holder

The four buttons inside the case are for network utilities like adding to the network.

The four buttons on top of the case can each be either “push” or “hold”, meaning a short press or a long press, which means you get two functions for each button.

Typically for lights people use a short press for on and then a long press for off.

But it also means you could use one button to change the mode or run a routine or arm/disarm a siren, etc.

Four buttons mean eight SmartThings options, but “on” is one option and “off” is another for most uses.

Btw, this was one community member’s method. :wink:

Not a very high xAF factor, though.

One thing this picture does show which I wanted to mention, however is the nice “office” label on it.

I stick a colored dot on the back of ours. :large_blue_circle:

Either way, if you will be able to take the minimotes down, and you expect to have more than one of them, it’s a really good idea to label them somehow. Just speaking from personal experience. :wink:

It will properly be a while before I make a decision. I have been testing out one of the Osram RGBW and an MultiSensor 6. I am very impressed with the lux sensor, as it only reports sun light and not light from the Osram bulb. The motion sensor is a different story, you have to be very close to it before it reports movement, and the movement has to be rather large. I will check out the Fibaro sensor, and how will it performance will determinate which and how many switches I need.

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I will mention that I did get an email from Engineering at OSRAM today and the engineer sounded like he was willing to help me get past the issue so I am sending him a link to my code so he can take a look. He made sure to let me know that he cannot provide “official” support but he was willing to take a look and see if he could replicate the issue and maybe give me some pointers. We will see how it works out, I am hopeful since I actually got a reply and the engineer seems interested in helping.


First post here. I have not coded in 20 years. I have no idea how, but I copied some code example from SmartThings, tweaked it a little. And somehow got my Osram Lightify Switch to work!? I’m very happily surprised. It is no longer just a “thing” and I can turn it on / off. :slight_smile:

I’m sure the code it totally bonkers for the device - but it seems to work fine.

Just as a side note: From my experience Zigbee works dramatically better than Zwave. I used Zwave 7 years ago and it just did not work well. With ST my ZWave devices dont really work well either but all the Zigbee ones do (yes, I’ve done endless network repairs to no avail). So I’m very excited to have the Osram switch, it is Zigbee and less than half the price of the other Zwave devices on Amazon

*  Copyright 2015 SmartThings
*  Adapted by Michael Seifert for the Osram Switch (NOT the dimmer).
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
*  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
*      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
*  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
*  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

metadata {
//    definition (name: "ZigBee Dimmer", namespace: "smartthings", author: "SmartThings") {
definition (name: "ZigBee Switch", namespace: "smartthings", author: "Seifert") {
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Configuration"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Switch"

        fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008"
        fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0B04, FC0F", outClusters: "0019", manufacturer: "OSRAM", model: "LIGHTIFY SWITCH ON/OFF", deviceJoinName: "OSRAM LIGHTIFY SWITCH"
        fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, FF00", outClusters: "0019", manufacturer: "MRVL", model: "MZ100", deviceJoinName: "Wemo Bulb"
        fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0B05", outClusters: "0019", manufacturer: "OSRAM SYLVANIA", model: "iQBR30", deviceJoinName: "Sylvania Ultra iQ"

    tiles(scale: 2) {
        multiAttributeTile(name:"switch", type: "lighting", width: 6, height: 4, canChangeIcon: true){
            tileAttribute ("device.switch", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
                attributeState "on", label:'${name}', action:"switch.off", icon:"st.switches.light.on", backgroundColor:"#79b821", nextState:"turningOff"
                attributeState "off", label:'${name}', action:"switch.on", icon:"st.switches.light.off", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", nextState:"turningOn"
                attributeState "turningOn", label:'${name}', action:"switch.off", icon:"st.switches.light.on", backgroundColor:"#79b821", nextState:"turningOff"
                attributeState "turningOff", label:'${name}', action:"switch.on", icon:"st.switches.light.off", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", nextState:"turningOn"
        standardTile("refresh", "device.switch", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
            state "default", label:"", action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"
        main "switch"
        details(["switch", "refresh"])

// Parse incoming device messages to generate events
def parse(String description) {
    log.debug "description is $description"

    def event = zigbee.getEvent(description)
    if (event) {
    else {
        log.warn "DID NOT PARSE MESSAGE for description : $description"
        log.debug zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)

def off() {

def on() {

def refresh() {
    return zigbee.readAttribute(0x0006, 0x0000) +
        zigbee.readAttribute(0x0008, 0x0000) +
        zigbee.configureReporting(0x0006, 0x0000, 0x10, 0, 600, null) +
        zigbee.configureReporting(0x0008, 0x0000, 0x20, 1, 3600, 0x01)

def configure() {
    log.debug "Configuring Reporting and Bindings."

    return zigbee.configureReporting(0x0006, 0x0000, 0x10, 0, 600, null) +
        zigbee.configureReporting(0x0008, 0x0000, 0x20, 1, 3600, 0x01) +
        zigbee.readAttribute(0x0006, 0x0000) +
        zigbee.readAttribute(0x0008, 0x0000)

For some reason the non-dimmer switch is no longer listed on the Osram site that I can find. Could you post the link to the Amazon page where you found it so people can see which model it is? :sunglasses:

Has anybody been playing around with this, and if possible to use with smartthings?


It’s an interesting set up. At present I believe it’s only available in Europe. I know it’s been mentioned before, but I don’t know if anyone is actually installed it.

Unfortunately I don’t have an iOS device, so I can’t configure and test it.