Osram Lightify Dimming Switch RGB—help needed with color controls

I have been able to pull some code to get the Osram Lightify Dimming Switch to dim, but i can’t figure out a way to get the setColorTemp & setAdjustedColor actions to work. I would very much appreciate your help. Its been hard to find documentation how to do this.


  • SmartThings Lightify Dimmer Switch support
  • Copyright © 2016 Adam Outler
  • This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  • it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  • the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  • (at your option) any later version.
  • This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  • GNU General Public License for more details.
  • You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  • along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


*Button numbers:
*1=down pressed
*2=up pressed
*3=down held
*4=up held
*5=release hold
*6=both buttons held
*7=down then up pressed
*8=up then down pressed


  • Command reference
  • on 'catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0140 00 3A68 01 00 0000 01 00 ’
  • off 'catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0140 00 3A68 01 00 0000 00 00 ’
  • held up ‘catchall: 0104 0008 01 01 0140 00 3A68 01 00 0000 05 00 0032’
  • held down ‘catchall: 0104 0008 01 01 0140 00 3A68 01 00 0000 01 00 0132’
  • released 'catchall: 0104 0008 01 01 0140 00 3A68 01 00 0000 03 00 ’

//TODO: create a proper event with description and button number

*sets up fingerprint for autojoin
*sets up commands for polling and others
*sets up capabilities
*sets up variables
metadata {
definition(name: “Lightify Dimming Switch- Zigbee”, namespace: “adamoutler”, author: “Adam Amber House”) {
capability “Battery”
capability “Button”
capability “Switch Level”
attribute ‘state’, “string”
command “refresh”
command “poll”
command “toggle”
command “configure”
command “installed”
command “getInfo”
command “setAdjustedColor”
attribute “colorTemp”, “string”
attribute “kelvin”, “string”
attribute “bulbTemp”, “string”

fingerprint profileId: “0104”, deviceId: “0001”, inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0003, 0020, 0402, 0B05”, outClusters: “0003, 0006, 0008, 0019”, manufacturer: “CentraLite”, model: “3130”, deviceJoinName: “OSRAM Lightify Dimming Switch”

simulator {
// Simulations are for loosers, work in production :smiley:

preferences {
section(“Device1”) {
input(“device1”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 1”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end1”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 1”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
section(“Device2”) {
input(“device2”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 2”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end2”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 2”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
section(“Device3”) {
input(“device3”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 3”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end3”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 3”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
section(“Device4”) {
input(“device4”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 4”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end4”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 4”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
section(“Device5”) {
input(“device5”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 5”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end5”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 5”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
section(“Device6”) {
input(“device6”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 6”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end6”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 6”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
section(“Device7”) {
input(“device7”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 7”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end7”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 7”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
section(“Device8”) {
input(“device8”, “string”, title: “Device Network ID 8”, description: “The Device Network Id”, defaultValue: “”, type: “capability.switch”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)
input(“end8”, “string”, title: “Device Endpoint ID 8”, description: “endpointId from Data Section of device”, defaultValue: “”, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false)

*UI tile definitions
tiles(scale: 2) {
multiAttributeTile(name:“button”, type: “lighting”, width: 6, height: 4, canChangeIcon: true) {
tileAttribute (“device.state”, key: “PRIMARY_CONTROL”) {
attributeState “on”, label:‘On’, action:“toggle”, icon:“st.Home.home30”, backgroundColor:"#00A0DC", nextState:“turningOff”
attributeState “off”, label:‘Off’, action:“toggle”, icon:“st.Home.home30”, backgroundColor:"#ffffff", nextState:“turningOn”
attributeState “turningOn”, label:‘Turning on’, icon:“st.Home.home30”, backgroundColor:"#00A0DC", nextState:“turningOff”
attributeState “turningOff”, label:‘Turning off’, icon:“st.Home.home30”, backgroundColor:"#ffffff", nextState:“turningOn”
tileAttribute (“device.level”, key: “SLIDER_CONTROL”) {
attributeState “level”, action:“setLevel”
tileAttribute (“device.color”, key: “COLOR_CONTROL”) {
attributeState “color”, action:“setAdjustedColor”

standardTile(“refresh”, “device.button”, decoration: “flat”, width: 2, height: 2) {
state “default”, label: “”, action: “refresh”, icon: “st.secondary.refresh”
valueTile(“battery”, “device.battery”, decoration: “flat”, inactiveLabel: false, width: 2, height: 2) {
state “battery”, label: ‘Battery ${currentValue}%’

controlTile(“colorSliderControl”, “device.colorTemp”, “slider”, height: 1, width: 2, inactiveLabel: false, range: “(2700…6500)”) {
state “colorTemp”, action:“setColorTemp”, label: ‘colorTemp\n${currentValue}%’
valueTile(“kelvin”, “device.kelvin”, inactiveLabel: false, decoration: “flat”) {
state “kelvin”, label: ‘Temp ${currentValue}K’
valueTile(“bulbTemp”, “device.bulbTemp”, inactiveLabel: false, decoration: “flat”) {
state “bulbTemp”, label: ‘${currentValue}’

main “button”
details([“button”, “battery”, “colorSliderControl”, “refresh”,“kelvin”,“bulbTemp”])

*returns a map representing important states
private Map getStatus() {
return [name: ‘button’,
brightness: state.brightness,
battery: state.battery,
value: state.value,
level: state.level,

/*rev 2 - insert info here */

lastAction: state.lastAction,
isStateChange: true,
on: state.on,
data: [buttonNumber: state.buttonNumber],
descriptionText: “$device.displayName button $state.buttonNumber was pressed”

public String getInfo(){
return “test”

*Gets a list of devices in [address,endpoint] format compiled from inputs above
*returns: Arraylist<[address,endpoint]>
final ArrayList < String[] > getDevices() {
String[] devs = [settings.device1, settings.device2, settings.device3, settings.device4, settings.device5, settings.device6, settings.device7, settings.device8]
if (devs == [null, null, null, null, null]) log.info("------No devices configured in $device preferences--------")
String[] ends = [end1, end2, end3, end4, end5, end6, end7, end8]
ArrayList < String[] > list = new ArrayList < > ([])
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (devs[i] != null) {
list.add([devs[i], ends[i]])
return list

*Parse events into attributes.
def parse(String msgFromST) {
if (msgFromST?.startsWith(‘catchall:’)) {
def value = handleMessage(msgFromST)
} else if (msgFromST.startsWith(“read”)) {
if (msgFromST.contains(“attrId: 0000”)) return state
if (msgFromST.contains(“attrId: 0020,”)) return batteryHandler(zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(msgFromST))
log.error(‘unrecognized command:’ + msgFromST)
} else {
log.error(‘unrecognized command:’ + msgFromST)
return getStatus()

*fire commands into the hub
*commands - an array of string commands to be fired
private fireCommands(List commands) {

if (commands != null && commands.size() > 0) {
log.trace(“Executing commands-- state:” + state + " commands:" + commands)
for (String value : commands){
sendHubCommand([value].collect {new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(it)

Map handleMessage(String msgFromST) {
Map msg = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(msgFromST)
switch (Integer.parseInt(msg.clusterId)) {
case 6: //button press
def returnval = handleButtonPress(msg)
return returnval
case 8:
case 8021:
log.info(“Networking Bind Response received!!!”)
updateButtonState(“Network binding complete!”)
return state
case 8034:
log.info(“Network managment Leave Response!!!”)
return state
log.error("Unhandled message: " + msg)


  • This is the handler for button presses. Map is routed here once a button press has been detected
    def Map handleButtonPress(Map msg) {
    switch (msg.command) {
    case “01”:
    def returnval = on()
    return returnval
    case “03”:
    case “00”:
    def returnval = off()
    return returnval
    case “07”:
    log.info(“Button Press Bind Response!!!”)
    return state
    log.error(getLinkText(device)+" got unknown button press command: " + msg.command)
    return [name:“error”,value:“unknown button press command”]

*this is the handler for button held events. Map is routed here once a button held event has been detected
def Map handleButtonHeld(Map msg) {
switch (Integer.parseInt(msg.command)) {
case 1:
log.debug(“Button held- Lowering brightness commanded”)
state.dimming = true
updateButtonState(“lowering brightness”)
state.lastHeld = “down”
return adjustBrightness(false, state.brightness)
case 3:
log.debug(“stop brightness commanded”)
updateButtonState(state.lastHeld + " released")
state.dimming = false
return state
case 5:
log.debug(“Button held- raising brightness commanded”)
state.lastHeld = “up”
updateButtonState(“raising brightness”)
state.dimming = true
return adjustBrightness(true, state.brightness)
case 7:
log.info(“Button Held Bind Response - 7!!!”)
return state
case 8:
log.info(“Button Held Bind Response - 8!!!”)
return state
log.error("Unhandled button held event: " + msg)
return msg


  • adjusts brightness up/down depending on the value of the up boolean true is up, false is down
  • continues to adjust until state.dimming is changed
  • up- true if we are adjusting brightness up, false if down
  • level - first level commanded
    def Map adjustBrightness(final boolean up, double level) {
    Map result
    log.debug(“adjusting brightness” + (up?“up” : “down”) + " from current " + state.brightness)
    if (state.dimming) {
    //increase or decrease brightness
    if (up) {
    state.brightening = true
    } else {
    state.brightening = false
    state.brightness = (int) level
    } else {
    log.debug("Final brightness adjusted to " + state.brightness)

sendEvent(name: “brightness”, value: state.brightness, unit:"%", type:“brightness”)
return getStatus()


  • performs a recursive brightness adjustment based on state.brightening while state.dimming is true
    void executeBrightnessAdjustmentUntilButtonReleased() {
    if (state.dimming) {
    if (state.brightening) {
    state.brightness = state.brightness + 10
    } else {
    state.brightness = state.brightness - 10
    if (state.brightness > 100) {
    state.brightness = 100
    if (state.brightness < 10){
    state.brightness = 10
    setLevel((double) state.brightness, 500)
    reportOnState(true) //Manage and report states
    runIn(1, executeBrightnessAdjustmentUntilButtonReleased)


  • gets the current brightness in hex format
  • length - the length of the number after leading 0’s have been applied. This will likely be “2”
    String getBrightnessHex(int length) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Integer.toHexString((Integer) Math.round(state.brightness * 2.55)))
    if (sb.size() > length) return sb.toString()
    for (int i = sb.size(); i < length; i++) {
    sb.insert(0, ‘0’)
    return sb.toString()

*formats a decimal value with leading 0’s
*value - the value to be formatted
*length - the size of the number after leading 0’s have been added
String formatNumber(int value, int length) {
return String.format("%" + length + “d”, value);

*performs configuration and bindings
def configure() {
if (state.boundnetwork && state.bounddimmer && state.boundonoff){
log.debug(“configuration complete”)
sendEvent(name:“Configured”, value:“true”, unit:“state”, type:“configuration”)
log.debug “Confuguring Reporting and Bindings.”
fireCommands(zigbee.onOffConfig() + zigbee.levelConfig() + zigbee.onOffRefresh() + zigbee.levelRefresh() + zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020))
return configCmds


  • handles binding if switch doesn’t pay attention the first time.
    def configureDaemon(){
    return runIn(8, “configure”)

def mySleep(int ms) {
def start = now()
while (now() < start + ms) {

*Refresh support. Causes battery status update and others
def refresh() {
fireCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020) +zigbee.onOffRefresh() + zigbee.levelRefresh() + zigbee.onOffConfig() + zigbee.levelConfig() + zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020) )

*actions to be taken once the device is installed

def installed() {
log.info(device.name + " installed!!!")
sendEvent(name:“Configured”, value:“false”, type:“configuration”, unit:“boolean”)
state.on = false
state.lastAction = 0
state.brightness = 0
state.buttonNumber = 1
state.value = “unknown”
state.lastHeld = “none”
state.battery = 100
state.dimming = false
return reportOnState(getOnState())

def updated(){
return refresh()

*handles battery messages
private Map batteryHandler(Map rawValue) {
int value = Integer.valueOf(rawValue.value, 16)
def linkText = getLinkText(device)
def result = [ name: ‘battery’, value: state.battery ]
def volts = Integer.valueOf(rawValue.value, 16) / 10
def descriptionText
if (rawValue == 0) {
state.battery = “unknown”
} else {
if (volts > 3.5) {
result.descriptionText = “${linkText} battery has too much power (${volts} volts).”
state.battery = “overvoltage”
} else if (volts > 0) {
def minVolts = 2.1
def maxVolts = 3.0
def pct = (volts - minVolts) / (maxVolts - minVolts)
state.battery = Math.min(100, (int) pct * 100)
result.battery = state.battery
result.descriptionText = “${linkText} battery was ${result.value}%”
sendEvent(name: ‘battery’, value: state.battery, unit: “%”)
log.debug “${result?.descriptionText}”
return result

def setSaturation(percent) {
log.debug “setSaturation: ${percent}, $this”
sendEvent(name: “saturation”, value: percent)


def setHue(percent) {
log.debug “setHue: ${percent}, $this”
sendEvent(name: “hue”, value: percent)

def setColor(value) {
log.debug “setColor: ${value}, $this”
if (value.hue) { sendEvent(name: “hue”, value: value.hue)}
if (value.saturation) { sendEvent(name: “saturation”, value: value.saturation)}
if (value.hex) { sendEvent(name: “color”, value: value.hex)}

//  fireCommands(createStCommand("6 0 {}").command)
//def result = createStCommand(" 8 4 {" + getBrightnessHex(2) + " " + formatNumber((int) duration, 4) + "}")
//if (state.on != "on") on()
// fireCommands(result.command) //send it to the hub for processing
// reportOnState(true)

// if (value.level) { sendEvent(name: “level”, value: value.level)}
// if (value.switch) { sendEvent(name: “switch”, value: value.switch)}

def reset() {
log.debug “Executing ‘reset’”
setAdjustedColor([level:100, hex:"#90C638", saturation:56, hue:23])

def setAdjustedColor(value) {
if (value) {
log.trace “setAdjustedColor: ${value}”
def adjusted = value + [:]
adjusted.hue = adjustOutgoingHue(value.hue)
// Needed because color picker always sends 100
adjusted.level = null


def adjustOutgoingHue(percent) {
def adjusted = percent
if (percent > 31) {
if (percent < 63.0) {
adjusted = percent + (7 * (percent -30 ) / 32)
else if (percent < 73.0) {
adjusted = 69 + (5 * (percent - 62) / 10)
else {
adjusted = percent + (2 * (100 - percent) / 28)
log.info “percent: $percent, adjusted: $adjusted”


  • handle level commands,
  • level=desired level
  • duration=desired time-to-level
    def setLevel(Double level, Double duration) {
    if (level > 100 || level < 0 || duration < 0 || duration > 499) {
    log.debug(“Maximum parameters (level 0-100, duration 0-9999)-- commanded level:” + level + " commanded duration:" + duration)
    log.info(“Brightness commanded to " + level + “%”)
    state.brightness = (int) level
    def result = createStCommand(” 8 4 {" + getBrightnessHex(2) + " " + formatNumber((int) duration, 4) + “}”)
    if (state.on != “on”) on()
    fireCommands(result.command) //send it to the hub for processing

*sets level using a 1-second duration
*level= percent
def setLevel(Double level) {
setLevel(level, 500)


  • Returns true if the switch is on. false if off.
    Boolean getOnState(){
    return (state.on == “on”)

*poll support, forces an update of states
def poll() {
sendEvent(name: ‘brightness’, value: state.brightness, unit: “%”)

*takes a command and data, generates an “st cmd” array
*command- string representing the command and data to be send to the device
*returns the command for all devices on the switch
def Map createStCommand(String command) {
List output = []
LinkedHashMap result = getStatus()
for (item in getDevices()) {
output.add(“st cmd 0x” + item[0] + " 0x" + item[1] + " " + command)
result[‘command’] = (List)output.flatten()
return result


  • Handles event updates. All updates go here.
    def reportOnState(boolean on) {
    String onValue = (on ? “on” : “off”)
    sendEvent(name: ‘state’, unit:‘on/off’, type:‘state’, value: onValue)
    sendEvent(name: ‘battery’, unit:"%", type:“battery”, value: state.battery)
    sendEvent(name: ‘level’, unit:"%", type:“dimmer”, value: state.brightness)
    sendEvent(name: ‘button’, unit:“on/off”, type:“state”, value: state.value, data:[buttonNumber: state.buttonNumber])

/* rev 2
controlTile(“colorSliderControl”, “device.colorTemp”, “slider”, height: 1, width: 2, inactiveLabel: false, range: “(2700…6500)”) {
state “colorTemp”, action:“setColorTemp”
valueTile(“kelvin”, “device.kelvin”, inactiveLabel: false, decoration: “flat”) {
state “kelvin”, label: ‘Temp ${currentValue}K’
valueTile(“bulbTemp”, “device.bulbTemp”, inactiveLabel: false, decoration: “flat”) {
state “bulbTemp”, label: ‘${currentValue}’

sendEvent(name: ‘numberOfButtons’, unit:“each”,type:“count”, value: 8)
state.on = onValue


def updateButtonState(def value) {
state.value = value
sendEvent(name: “button”, value: value, unit: “”)

*commands the opposite of the current state
*if on, turn off, if off, turn on.
def toggle() {
Map command
if (state.on == “on”) {
log.debug(device.displayName + " toggled on")
command = off()
} else {
command = on()
log.debug(device.displayName + " toggled off")

*detects the current state versus commanded
*if curret is off, and commanded is off, returns true and same for inverse
boolean doubleTapped(boolean commanded) {
boolean on=(state.on==“on”)
if (on && commanded|| !on && !commanded) return true
return false

*This switch does not support pressing the same button in rapid sucession
*this check finds out if user tapped one button and then the other within 1.5 seconds.
boolean onOffTapped(){
log.debug(“Time last action:” + state.lastAction + " - "+now() )
//return (state.lastAction+2000 > now() )

//TODO create a up-down tapped mechanism.
*used to turn off the lights in one-shot from a runIn command.
void turnOffLights(){
fireCommands(createStCommand(“6 0 {}”).command)
log.info(“Lights commanded off after delay”)

*turns light on.
*if already on, commands max
Map on() {
log.debug(device.displayName + " commanded on" )

if (myswitch != null){
log.info(“myswitch:”+ myswitch)

if (onOffTapped()){

if (doubleTapped(true)) setLevel(100, 1000)
//rev2 setColor([red:245, hex:#F5A623, blue:35, saturation:85.71428504959835, hue:10.39682573716995, green:166, alpha:1])
return createStCommand(“6 1 {}”)

*turns light off
*if already off, commands on to minimum
Map off() {
log.debug(device.displayName + " commanded off")
if (onOffTapped()){
log.info(“Lights turning off in 30 seconds”)
runIn(30, “turnOffLights”)
return getState()
if (doubleTapped(false)){
def value=on()
setLevel(1, 1000)
return value
return createStCommand(“6 0 {}”)

*Action to be taken when both buttons are pressed at the same time
def bothButtonsPressed() {
log.error(“Both Buttons Pressed” + state)
state.lastAction = 100
updateButtonState(“Initiating configuration routines. Please stand by.”)
return state

I fixed the code and got the colortemp to work. now all i need is to figure out how to set RGB color. That’s a project for another day!!

Are you still supporting this? Does this still work? Im just trying to get this switch simply set up and then make a webcore for it. But right now, with its default connection with Smartthings (not using any contributed device handlers) it intermittently works.