On only for X hours a day

Hello @jamesbc619,

Perhaps you could try using the SmartApp SDK, below is a similar example where the configuration helps you to:

  1. Select a device to receive its events and send commands to it.
  2. Set the time expiration (in seconds).
  3. See the remaining time (in seconds).
  4. When an event is received:
    a. ON: Start the timer.
    b. OFF: Pause the timer.
  5. When the time expires, turn off the device.
const express = require('express');
const SmartApp = require('@smartthings/smartapp');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const Timer = require('easytimer.js').Timer;
const server = express();
const app = new SmartApp();
let timeLeft=0;
let timer = null;
/* Defines the SmartApp */
    .page('mainPage', (context, page, configData) => {
        page.section('switchDev', section => {
        page.section('preferences', (section) => {
        page.section('remaining', (section) => {
    .updated(async (context, updateData) => {
        await context.api.subscriptions.unsubscribeAll();
        return Promise.all([
            context.api.subscriptions.subscribeToDevices(context.config.switchD, 'switch', 'switch.on', 'switchOnEventHandler'),
            context.api.subscriptions.subscribeToDevices(context.config.switchD, 'switch', 'switch.off', 'switchOffEventHandler')
    .subscribedEventHandler('switchOnEventHandler', (context, deviceEvent) => {
        timer = new Timer();
        timer.start({precision: 'seconds'});
        timer.addEventListener('secondsUpdated', function (e) {
                return context.api.devices.sendCommands(context.config.switchD, "switch", "off")
    .subscribedEventHandler('switchOffEventHandler', (context, deviceEvent) => {
server.post('/', async (req, res) => {
    app.handleHttpCallback(req, res);
/* Starts the server */
let port = 3000;
server.listen(port, () =>
  console.log(`Server is up and running on port ${port}`)

For more information see the sample of a Simple SmartApp and the settings type of the SmartApp SDK .

Let me know if you have any doubts.