Odd alexa behaviour

Up until now my ST/alexa integration has been perfect, or at least done what I need it to do. Recently it started doing something strange with one of my switches, when I tell it “alexa living room on” it tells me “living room doesn’t support that”. yet in the alexa app, it shows living room, as a switch, and I can control it from there, it’s only the voice command that’s screwed up.

it was working fine up until a couple of days ago, any ideas?

What happens when you say “turn living room on”?

Make sure you don’t have more than one device name “living room”. Reboot the Alexa. Run “discover devices”.

“living room doesn’t support that”

restarted the Alexas (I have three) all at the same time, removed and re-added “living room” thru the app, and still “living room doesn’t support that”.

Very strange…

Try renaming it “living room light”. Then run discover devices, and try “turn on living room light”. “Living room” is very generic it could be confused with a ST “room” or other similar such “thing”.

turns out, that somewhere within the alexa config there was a group called “living room”, which had no use so I deleted it.

Odd thing is that it’s been there for a while, so I’m guessing a recent software update created this conflict, long story short, it’s been resolved, thanks for the help!!

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Yep, keep your eye out for that “conflict”. I could happen whenever they update and add new “features”. If it becomes a continued issue just add a word to the end “living room lamp”. You may find as you add devices you need to identify them separately anyway. Cheers :beers: