October 17, 2020 - Anyone having ST mobile app issues @9:31pm EST?

The mobile app on both my tablet and phones all of a sudden have STHM failing with Server error, and Refreshing doesn’t do anything. It’s actually disappeared from one of my phones after force restarting the crappy new ST app.

My Location’s weather on the Dashboard fails with “Couldn’t update weather info”

I can see my SmartApp list, but can’t access any of them, and then an error pops up stating the app is having a network connection issue, which is not happening since everything else on my network is fine, including me writing this post.

I’m just going to ignore this for a few hours because it was fine 2 hours ago, and I’m chalking this up to typical ST backend BS. Submitting a ticket is useless cause I don’t want to be told to reset my hub and be told I have unsupported devices and DTH’s and that’s why.

If the problem persists in the morning I’ll send a ticket in, but I thought I’d see if anyone else here is having problems tonight.

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Problems here too. All of my smartapps disappeared, including shm.

Hi @Ren34, thanks for the quick reply. I’ll keep an eye on this for a bit, and then submit a ticket if it doesn’t clear up.

sorry, mine is working

I had lost the connection to the account while saving, and could not log back in. getting http 504, like a cloud collapse for five minutes. Yet could control with sharptools. Everything back now. Except had to redo favorites in the new app.

I had some devices not responding. Rebooted the hub - everything fine now🤔