That was my thoughts too - I suspect that that relay may have blown (no click when turning on/off).
Admittedly Australia’s voltage is 220-240V compared to China’s 220V, but this isn’t usually a problem … I’ve used plenty of Chinese appliances before without issue. The general consensus is that the countries’ plugs and voltages are compatible.
It’d be strange if the Xiaomi outlet was so sensitive that it’d fail at 240V?
A little digging saw me find the specifications for the plug. It takes input voltages from AC 90 - 250V, so over voltage shouldn’t be an issue.
Thinking about this further, I find it particularly odd that the device fails into the on position. Surely with the relay blown it should fail to off/safe?
Would the amp rating for the plug not come into play? As far as I can see the plugs are rated at 10 amps. If your kettle draws more than this it may have cooked the relay.
You are right though probably should have failed in the open position!
That’s a good question. As it turns out, the plugs failed when only having
a few phone/tablet chargers plugged into them, which wouldn’t have pulled
many amps.
I only used the kettle for the sake of the video (because it’s easy to see
when it has power), but never actually boiled any water through the outlet.
Hrmmmmmm! I’ve sent a note to Gearbest surrounding the failure and will
report back on what they say.
Yes, they do repeat. In my case they do an excellent job with the other Xiaomi plugs and sensors.
However, there are reports from users here that it does not do a good job. I would just order one or two and check your zigbee mesh repeatedly.
Trying to re-pair a Xiaomi contact switch after it fell off and I removed it. Now any time I try to add it through IDE I get a 500 internal server error:
Oh No! Something Went Wrong!
500: Internal Server Error
Reference Id
Fri Feb 17 01:08:23 UTC 2017
Those heartbeats/check ins/last updates are really helping me establish whats actually active on my network.
Must also say the last event on the sensors that you also added are super too.
Its those little things (probably took you ages to code) make the visuals so much more informative, and I really appreciate it, and the time and effort you have invested to create them.
If you want to monitor it’s health, it might be worth running a periodic refresh of the outlet using either pollster or a CoRE piston. I have mine configured to run every 5 minutes.
On a side note: if you have smartthings sensors and you’d like the same functionality I’ve got DH for them in my temp repo in my github too.
I ordered a couple of the buttons a “good” few weeks ago from the Aliexpress site, and have patiently waited for them to arrive. Well, they arrived today and I did as @cindjones did and repeatedly pressed the reset button with a clip, second attempt go the button working using the “Catchall” and finding the ID.
Set a CoRE piston up for a dimmer, first to check if off, turn on with a press, and if on already turn off etc. They work a treat!!
Now this will mean that my techno-phobic other half doesn’t really have any excuse for not allowing my HA addiction, and wall plugs to be used to turn on her beside and dresser lamps!! Yeah!!
One push to turn on the lamp, push and hold to turn on the lamp and dresser, then another piston to check the state and turn them off if indeed they are already on! Pure brilliant. Thanks very much @Rave for this. These buttons are the cheapest I’ve found, but look quite cool, small and discreet.
Is no one else finding that these outlets conflict with the smartthings outlets? I have found that when these run for any length of time in a set up with a similar number of smartthings outlets you get a lot of dropped battery based sensors in the mesh. My only fix right now is to unplug all my Xiaomi outlets until I work something out.
I have around 100 zigbee devices in my network. Not sure if I’m tripping some kind of threshold, hence it takes a few days for the problem to build and the mesh to fall apart.
@a4refillpad I’ve only 2 of these running. Similar to you in that I’m trying to use them as repeaters, so nothing is plugged into them. I also have 2 ST plugs.
I have not noticed any devices not reporting battery status’s.
They definitely work as repeaters, I just find my mesh collapses after 2-3 days. Then needing to reattach dozens of devices each time it happens. I’m curious anyone else with a larger zigbee set-up hitting the same issues as me. It’s gotten to a point me and my son constantly monitoring the simple device viewer for dropped devices and adding them back in.
That’s a nightmare. I don’t have anywhere as near the amount of devices you have.
In terms of these devices or the electric devices in general what type of distance do they cover. Reason I’m asking is I’m trying to extend down the garden to secure the shed. I got my contact working in the shed at the point nearest the house but not anywhere else even though I have the plug on in the shed and the other plug also on at the furtherest point in the house? The shed is concrete and not metal, as I know that distorts signals generally.
only have about 5 Xiaomi zigbee outlets (the others are zwave), about 12 xiaomi sensors and 2 Orvibo sensors.
I know, it’s not as large as your setup, but i didn’t have any dropouts so far (except the orvibo’s). I have done extensive testing with the Xiaomi outlets because you mentioned you had issues with them. In my setup they work flawlessly as repeaters, also when turned off. (Except with the Orvibo’s, but they don’t seem to like any repeater)
Maybe the outlets are interfering like you said. Have you tried leaving the Xiaomi plugged in and unplug the others ?
@RInkelk in your experience are you saying that the Orvibo contact sensors don’t like repeaters? If so this would explain the fact that one of mine gets through batteries carry quickly when others don’t.
Does the same apply to the Xiaomi contact sensors?
Yes, that’s my experience. As long as they’re connected directly to the hub i don’t have any issues.
But as soon as they’re repeated they seem to get into a sort of sleep-state after awhile. Then when i open them, the light turns on, but no message is sent to the hub (or received by the hub). The second time i open them, all is fine.
For me this is too unreliable. First i thought it was a problem with the Osram and was searching for another zigbee repeater. Then i got the Xiaomi outlets, same issue.
This happens only when they’re repeated. I have tested this with the Xiaomi outlets and an Osram outlet.
At first i only had the Osram outlet (all my others are zwave) and thought the Osram was the faulty repeater. Then the same thing happened with the Xiaomi outlets.
With the Xiaomi sensors, i don’t have this issue at all. They don’t drop off, the status gets sent through every single time. It seems like the Osram (as repeater) is working fine now too, but i have to do some more testing with that one.
So far, the Xiaomi’s, both outlets and sensors, have been very reliable.