[OBSOLETE] Xiaomi Sensors and Button (beta)

Going to keep all the boxes again though! Worst case scenario and they become unusable in ST and I do not move platforms then they can all happily go to better homes with little to no money lost.

Bummer… I should have thought of that :disappointed_relieved:

But hey… I’m a believer or :thinking:

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Just sell them without boxes! (no need to send me any commission for that bright idea)

I am not worried, worst case scenario is hopefully that we will still be able to route them through other devices.

Dropping you a PM!

got all my aqara sensors added last night all working fine for 20 hours now

I’m still worried it code be broken in the next few months and have purchased a pi3 and a Xiaomi gateway over the last week.
I’m trying to setup home assistant to talk between the two it’s currently not easy but only in the last few weeks they have released a new OS called hass.io and Xiaomi Gateway support has natively added so it’s getting easier still not easy enough. Currently I can get smarthings to talk to Hassio but not the other way. It doesn’t help that that every tutorial I find is before hass.io was released and has different setup files. But will work it out and sort out documentation when I do.


Hopefully we will still always have the option to route via a hard wired zigbee device, cannot see how even ST can break that lol. May be a small initial outlay to get one or two Xiaomi Outlets but they are not that expensive from China.

For those who has the Xiaomi Honeywell Smoke Detector, I wrote a very basic beta DTH that can handle the SMOKE and CLEAR states. But nothing else, haven’t gotten the battery, health check, sirene level or anything else working yet… But feel free to dabble in the code and work with it :slight_smile: ST can read when it activates and when it clear’s. So thats something :smiley:

Code here:


Just as I put my debit card away you go and drop this on me! Thanks a bunch Kenneth! :rofl:

Great work! :grin:


New Xiaomi Water Leak Sensor starts shipping soon :slight_smile: Hope that it will work with ST

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Do you mean controlling/viewing devices attached to SmartThings from HA or controlling devices attached to HA from ST?

What does an example switch or sensor look like in your config.yaml?

My bridge config looks like this
{ "broker_host": "", "broker_port": 1883, "preface": "smartthings", "state_suffix": "state", "command_suffix": "cmd", "login": "login", "password": "password", "bridge_port": 2080 }

Sensor config like this:

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: 'smartthings/Living Room/temperature/state'
  name: 'Living Room Temperature'
  unit_of_measurement: '°C'
- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: 'smartthings/Living Room/humidity/state'
  name: 'Living Room Humidity'
  unit_of_measurement: '%'

And a switch like this:

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: 'smartthings/Kitchen Warm/switch/state'
  command_topic: 'smartthings/Kitchen Warm/switch/cmd'
  name: 'Kitchen Warm'
  payload_on: 'on'
  payload_off: 'off'
  qos: 0

I’m able to control and see status changes on the switch.

Don’t you start Stepan! lol :grin:

I actually stopped myself from ordering these until they are actually available to ship but will get a few of course.

mine looks the same, what about the mqtt config and the settings in config.yaml for connecting too mqtt

I can see the logs of the ST bridge plugin receiving information from the ST Hub but HA cant control ST devices

Mosquitto plugin is as it was installed:

  "plain": true,
  "ssl": false,
  "anonymous": true,
  "logins": [],
  "customize": {
    "active": false,
    "folder": "mosquitto"
  "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
  "keyfile": "privkey.pem"

configuration.yaml part is like this:

  broker: localhost
  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: smartthings

Does anyone with the Xiaomi Gateway know if you are able to configure the PIR timeout?

It is set at 60 seconds and would like to know if I could change this with the Gateway and if that setting sticks trough a reset (I doubt it will) and after pairing it back to ST. Failing that if we know it can be changed in the first place someone may be able to add that config parameter to the DH eventually.


I just got a chance to catch up on this thread and it sounds like people are having much more success with 18.21 which is great. I have received confirmation that the change in behavior between 17.X and 18.18 was due to a bug fix (yes, you read that right!) in the zigbee stack we use.

The good news is now that I know this I should be able to keep the Xiaomi sensors working when we do release the zigbee firmware in the future. Does anyone know if the sensors have been known to check in less frequently than once an hour? In my testing it always seems to be under an hour.

I received the Xiaomi gateway but haven’t set it up yet because all the permissions the app requests make me nervous. Have other people just bit the bullet and done it? I was thinking about setting up a spare phone with a new account.

I use https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/simplicity-studio and hardware from Silicon Labs but it’s a bit on the expensive side. This thread talks about some cheaper options that I haven’t tried personally.


Big thanks for keeping in tune with us and these unsupported devices, Tom. It means a great deal to those of us that have invested in them!

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Only going off the info I’m seeing in the app from the DH here. The door contacts seem to be bang on an hour or a minute over (never under) the motion sensors 55 minutes.

Thanks for your time looking into these Tom :+1:

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You thinking about this? :wink:

As far as I’ve read, this is actually just a standalone product without any connectivity (no zigbee, wifi etc). So don’t think it can be useful for us in regards to integration with ST. Of course, there’s always hope that I’ve read wrong :slight_smile:

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Just ordered the water sensor off AliExpress. When it arrives in a month or so hopefully we can get it working with ST.

Works perfect :slight_smile: Will you continue with the other parameters?