[OBSOLETE] Xiaomi Sensors and Button (beta)


Think you are correct that the sensors would not have been going via the Hue Motion sensor. They stayed online because they were all added prior to the .18 update.

Think the problem is that if you power the hub off for 20mins or so then when it boots is rebuilds the zigbee mesh. A mistake I made initially when troubleshooting the .18 issues when it rolled out.

There is absolutely no way you will get them to stay online now unless you get a hard wired zigbee device like the Xiaomi outlet etc. (Hue bulbs work also if connected directly to the ST Hub) I was using an Osram bulb but that died completely (dead) on me yesterday so just waiting on the arrival of my Xiaomi outlet tomorrow. The ST outlet does not work so avoid that one.

Sorry, wish I had better news for you :frowning_face:

There is a new update heading out .21 (I have it already) They have rolled back the zigbee radio to what it was prior to .18.

No idea if this will allow us to pair the sensors and keep them online as previously happened but if it does then we need to keep in mind that it may break again once they update the radio to the latest version again.

I have paired a few up with the .21 update (no zigbee bridge/routing) and will report back if they stay online after an hour.


My hub is also updated to 18.21
Will test another delete and add a xiaomi sensor

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@chippie & @RInkelk
If you could keep us posted it would be much appreciated.
Lost lots of devices today. :frowning:

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Added xiaomi sensor at 9:21 PM CEST
(Last opened: 9:23 PM CEST)

Using the clicky method

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I have added 11 door sensors back on now including one Aqara sensor oh and one Xiaomi Motion sensor.

Just a waiting game now but my concern would be that even if they do hold we will encounter the same issue when they push the next update through.

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On a separate note and I apologies as it is off topic but if anyone outside the US wants to enable My Contacts / Contact Book then take a look here. Works great! Only posting here as I know several of you are outside the US and may not know about it. Just trying to give you all a little more functionality :grin:


Got an email about 18.21:

This update rolls back the most recent update to your Hub’s ZigBee firmware, which inadvertently introduced a bug that degraded device performance.

Anyone interested the Aqara sensors are dirt cheap (Flash Sale) on GearBest at the moment (£5.34). Beggars belief how they make a profit on these!


The Xiaomi ones are not that much more expensive either.


So here are my findings so far.

The sensors that I managed to get to join back without having to reset them are still online and I can see one automatic checkin from them so far.

The sensors I had to reset are not showing a checkin after an hour but have not dropped offline yet. I did not remove them from the list of things but just reset and paired them again, perhaps this was the problem and I need to delete them from ST, reset them and pair them again. I want to leave them another hour before triggering them to see what happens or if they do go offline. It may be that just need to be activated once to reestablish the link properly.

The Motion sensor went offline in the app but a motion trigger brought it straight back online again.

Will leave it another hour or so then trigger the open/close and see what happens. Perhaps in my haste I did not complete the new pairing properly.

EDIT: In the last few minutes some of the ones I reset appear to have checked in, well it looks like they did albeit a little late. Will see if they hold.

EDIT 2: I had one that dropped off and it has come back on its own. However still not sure if they are truly online even though I can see the ckeckin. Another 30mins and will give them a try.

My sensor is still not checking in.

And just checked in
11:22 PM CEST

So it took 2 hours after adding until check in (and battery)

Not seeing any battery info on any of my sensors even though the battery icon is populated from before. Guess it still may come though though overnight but if not then will remove them completely and re-add them.

The good news though is that they are still ALL online as they were before the .18 update connected directly to the ST Hub.

So I also got the new .21 update to my HUB (UK version). I immediately paired 3 door sensors, 1 motion sensor and 3 temperature sensors (that was removed from the hub previously) and all of them are going strong without single drop for more than 10 hours now. Finger crossed!

There is whole ST team email regarding this update:


On Thursday, August 3rd we automatically updated your SmartThings Hub to the latest firmware (version 18.21). We apologize that we were unable to provide advanced notification of this update as we strive to alert you to updates before applying them. However, due to a critical concern regarding your ZigBee network, we needed to apply the update without advanced notification. Your Hub briefly experienced downtime of less than one minute as it rebooted and applied the update.

This update rolls back the most recent update to your Hub’s ZigBee firmware, which inadvertently introduced a bug that degraded device performance.

Thank you,
SmartThings Support

.21 last night paired Xiaomi cube it was dropping with .18 now after whole night still responding fine :+1:

Does Aqara sensors work correctly with ST? Do I need another DH for them?

My Aqara Door Sensor gets recognized as a ‘Thing’ but I just use the same DH as the Xiaomi. There is a thread with Xiaomi Aqara Sensor DH’s but I think they are pretty much the same DH, well looking at GitHub and the fork there do not appear to be any changes.

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I read that Aqara sensors have also pressure sensor. Is there any way how to get those measurements to the ST?

I have not seen anything Stepan but search the forum and see if anyone has added them. The issue is though that these sensors do not follow strict zigbee protocols so it is so much harder to work out the code they spit out etc. not to mention that despite asking no one is able to get the required info from Xiaomi which would probably help no end.

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Just ordered 12 Aqara Motion Sensors and another 6 Aqara Door Sensors (not my fault I cannot resist a bargain!).

I now have about a week to fit a few more doors somewhere in the house :rofl:

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:joy::joy::joy: me too

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