Hello all,

This is my second published device handler, so I welcome any advice or suggestions.
This is based on other handlers with modifications to make it work for this device. I have removed loads of seemingly unnecessary code although there are a couple of sections which may still be unnecessary.
I have had it running for a while and it seems to all work…

…but I have no real experience of Groovy or SmartThings, so if there are better ways of doing things please let me know?

These devices have two channels for two switches, the challenge was being able to read and set the status of each switch separately. But this handler now does this.

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Thank you very much. This DH is working for TK74 as well. Also recognizes use of the switches S1 and S2 when toggling. Was struggling with different DH such as
Philio PAN06 / TKB TZ06 Dual Relay in-wall module and Fibaro FGS-222 Double Relay Device Type Handler but was suffering with child devices not visible and S2 not working at all and S1 operating NO2.