[OBSOLETE] MyQ Lite Door and Lamp Control (for Liftmaster/Chamberlain)

Has been running well since install with one small exception. Currently one of the doors doesnt show thenlast open time like like usual. When I select refresh i dont get any errors as it says the door is still closed… Whichn s true. The last open time showed until sometime this afternoon… No open or close events happened today.


Odd. When you hit refresh, do you see a log entry like this?

Updating door <door ID> with value <closed/open> last activity <timestamp>

That last timestamp should be the latest time value for the sensor.

Yes, I do see that… here is the most recent for example…

Updating door f1cf83e0-0532-460a-8a25-a8620c13504f|GarageDoorOpener|1397340 with closed last activity: Tue Jun 07 15:24:24 UTC 2016

When I open the door things refreshed/updated as expected. Here is my take… somehow my door missed the timestamp info in the initial refresh and then this code prevents a full update after that happens:

Lines 122-126 in device handler:

//Don’t do anything if nothing changed
if (currentState == status){
log.debug "No change; door is already set to " + status
status = “”

I thought that, too, at first. But the code that updates the timestamp is in a different spot (updateDeviceLastActivity method) which does not care what the previous status was. It should refresh with whatever last activity it finds from the sensor, no matter what.

def updateDeviceLastActivity(lastActivity) {
	def finalString = lastActivity?.format('MM/d/yyyy hh:mm a',location.timeZone)    
	sendEvent(name: "lastActivity", value: finalString, display: false , displayed: false)

I’m just wondering if some bug caused us to not get the latest timestamp from the sensor. If it happens again, try doing just a refresh and see what timestamp shows up in the logs.

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will do if I see this again.

Any way to add the repository so I can update directly love it so far![quote=“brbeaird, post:1, topic:49150, full:true”]
This SmartApp will integrate your MyQ garage doors into your SmartThings as devices, allowing you to view the current status and open/close the doors from within SmartThings, either manually or using automation like routines (example: open the door when you arrive home). You will need to have a separate tilt sensor on the door so that the app can keep the door’s status in sync as we can no longer rely on MyQ to poll status updates.

Important notes:

  • A separate Contact or Tilt Sensor is now required for each MyQ door (maximum of 4 doors currently supported). This is more costly and not ideal, but it does get around the current restriction where MyQ/SmartThings have disabled the ability for us to automatically poll MyQ for status. Tilt sensors also tend to be faster and more reliable, so the overall experience is better despite the higher cost.
  • When installing the SmartApp, you’ll select which sensor goes with each door.
  • If you’ve been using the withdrawn copy-ninja MyQ app, this version installs as a totally separate SmartApp and associated devices from the old version. While it wouldn’t break anything to have both versions installed, I’d suggest removing the old version and replacing with this.
  • Lights are no longer supported as we have no local way of knowing their status

Code can be found here: https://github.com/brbeaird/SmartThings_MyQ. Installation instructions can be found in the readme file.

Shout-out to @copyninja, whose original code I branched off to create this new version that essentially works the same without needing to poll MyQ for status updates.


Not sure I know what you mean. The repository will work with the SmartThings GitHub integration so you can install/update that way if you just link to my repo (brbeaird).

Perfect yeah that’s what I meant sorry

Can’t easily tell if my loaded version is out if date, suspect it is cause I loaded during the 1st few days but the raw code shows the same original dates of 5/30 and 5/31. Does it not update the code date or a version number anywhere?

If your version of the code is out of date, the text color on the SmartApps and Device Handler list pages should turn to Magenta, and if you mouse over it, you should see a message that your version is obsolete.

That said, I forgot to update the “Last Updated” line. That’s now been fixed. :slight_smile:


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Receiving the following error during the install. Ideas?

b4f50fbf-4c1c-47ab-9cb1-4082669b411b 1:09:50 PM: error physicalgraph.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type ‘MyQ Garage Door Opener’ in namespace ‘brbeaird’ not found.
b4f50fbf-4c1c-47ab-9cb1-4082669b411b 1:09:50 PM: debug Creating child device: b4f50fbf-4c1c-47ab-9cb1-4082669b411b|GarageDoorOpener|4389382
b4f50fbf-4c1c-47ab-9cb1-4082669b411b 1:09:50 PM: debug Found door: 4389381
b4f50fbf-4c1c-47ab-9cb1-4082669b411b 1:09:50 PM: debug adding door: Garage Door Openertype: 7 status: 2
b4f50fbf-4c1c-47ab-9cb1-4082669b411b 1:09:50 PM: debug Found door: 4389382

You’re missing the Device Handler. Make sure you also copy the code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brbeaird/SmartThings_MyQ/master/devicetypes/brbeaird/myq-garage-door-opener.src/myq-garage-door-opener.groovy into a new device type.

I don’t see the color changes anymore in the IDE, been at least a month since it was broken. I forgive ST since the IDE site is so much faster to work with,

Is this a virtual device I create that I select during the install process?

They work for me, You might be linked to a bad(doesn’t exist anymore/name changed/capitalization wrong) repository. That causes this problem I have seen it first hand. Actually I tried with this repository to name it MYQ instead of MyQ to differentiate it from the other identically named repo and it caused that issue.

Technically no, not a virtual device in the normal sense. When you install the code, there are two pieces. The first piece is the SmartApp itself. The second piece is for the door (device). Then when you go through the SmartApp install, as you select your doors, the SmartApp creates instances of the custom door device. The step-by-step instructions here are pretty good for getting you there.

I can almost guarantee this is because you had your IDE linked to the RulesMachine repository. That repo has been removed from github altogether, which broke everyone’s colors who had it linked (including mine). You can fix it by removing your reference to that defunct repo (or any other dead ones) in your settings.


Do you still have the old rule machine github integration? I had the same issue and I had to remove broken github integration for rule machine to be able to see it. Let me know if you need further help.


@knozturk @brbeaird

I’ll be damned. Removed Rule Machine integration and it snapped back.

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In fact, I cannot open and close the MyQ anymore at all (not using this app, using the old one). If we are boxed out, do we feel like this app might get us around it…of if it ain’t working now it ain’t working ever?

Just curious.