[OBSOLETE] MyQ Lite Door and Lamp Control (for Liftmaster/Chamberlain)

Thanks for all of the help.

I’m trying to install this. I followed the instructions on GitHub and when I install the app it asks me for my user name, password, and device type. I enter this and click next and then get…

Error! Could not find any supported device(s). Pease report to author about these devices: []

And have the following in my log…

001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:18:01 PM: debug MyQDeviceTypeId : 2
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:18:01 PM: debug MyQDeviceTypeId : 1
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:18:00 PM: debug Found door: 13205
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:18:00 PM: debug got login response: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseDecorator@7a0f3d7b
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:56 PM: debug lightVersion: 1.0.0
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:56 PM: debug doorNoSensorVersion: 1.1.0
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:56 PM: debug doorVersion: 2.1.0
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:56 PM: debug smartAppVersion: 2.0.0
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:53 PM: debug MyQDeviceTypeId : 2
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:53 PM: debug MyQDeviceTypeId : 1
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:53 PM: debug Found door: 13205
001683d8-58bb-4ff6-a1ff-ac0b95d214d8 8:17:52 PM: debug got login response: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseDecorator@7814c055

As best I can tell, your door doesn’t have anything in the “desc” (description) field in the response from MyQ. Normally devices that are blank like that aren’t legit doors, so the SmartApp ignores them. Can you try renaming the door in the native MyQ app on your phone and then trying to go through the SmartApp setup after that?

Renamed it from Home to HomeDoor in myq. Same result.

I just pushed a new version of the SmartApp with a slight modification to add a bit more debugging to be sure that’s what happening. Could you update and try again and see what your logs say? They should say something about the field being blank.

OK, I’ve got a little more information now. I tried with your new code and saw…

Door 1320735 has blank desc field. This is unusual

in the log. This prompted me to go back and take another look in the myq app. Last night when you asked me about the description field what I actually changed was the place description, not the door description. Upon looking at it this morning I found the actual door description in the app which was “Garage Door.” I changed it to “GarageDoor” and the error went away and let me install the app. Where before in the app on the main page I just saw “HomeDoor” I now see “HomeDoor” with “GarageDoor” underneath it. I think at some point they added the concept of places in their app or maybe multiple doors. I’ve had this setup for about 2 years and had never changed anything. So it did indeed appear to be that even though the description was there in the app with a default it needed to be changed to actually have a description on their back end.

So, with that problem solved I continued along. I installed the sensor version of your code and have a brand new SmartThings multisensor configured as a garage door. It was unclear from your wiki but your app has both a section for contact sensor and accelerometer. I tried just setting the accelerometer to the multisensor but it wanted both a contact sensor and accelerometer. So, I set them both to the multisensor. I assume this is what I’m supposed to do.

After that the app worked correctly but I noticed a couple of things. First, with the door open and clicking the close button the door does indeed begin to close but your app reports “opening” as opposed to “closing” at the top even though the button itself says “closing” while the door is in motion. If the door is closed and I then push the open button both the button and status at the top say “opening.” I also notice that the button changes to “open” as soon as the door is open however the status at the top stays on “opening” for quite some time (3 to 5 minutes). The multisensor is always reporting the correct status immediately as well as the buttons. Just not the status at the top. Hope that made sense. I also notice that in your app it says my multisensor is “active” however the multisensor itself reports its status as “inactive.” Only once your app reports my multisensor is inactive does the status at the top change to the true status of the door. It otherwise always says “opening”. It’s like your app isn’t checking the actual status of the multisensor active/inactive state until some time period well after the door has finished opening or closing.

Thanks for the detailed account of what you did in the MyQ app with the door vs. the place. I’ll see if I can work that into the error message in the app so people can know what to do in the future.

As for the accelerometer - that is optional. I actually did not write that piece of code and don’t have one of those sensors myself to test with, so I can’t do much to support it. The app works fine without it, though, so if it’s messing with the status, then I’d suggest dropping it and just using a contact sensor. If you still get weird issues with just a simple contact sensor, let me know.

It functions as a contact sensor but I have it set up as a garage door open/close sensor in smartthings. Only the new multisensors are capable of this. It always reports the proper open/closed status but it seems your app isn’t using this information to update itself. Not sure what your app is using. I think it’s using the activity status of the sensor (in motion/sensing vibration). What’s odd is that your app shows the sensor as active (in motion/sensing vibration) even though the sensor itself long ago quit reporting activity. But by telling smartthings it’s a garage door open/close sensor I would think your app would be receiving that status change and using that to report whether the door is open or closed.

Have you tried removing the sensor as an accelerometer in the MyQ Lite app setup? If you do that, I don’t think you should ever see the sensor in the SmartApp as anything other than open or closed. Without the accelerometer, the app should strictly determine open/close based on the contact sensor attribute on the sensor, which shouldn’t matter whether or not it’s set up as garage door opener or not within SmartThings itself.

With only contact sensor selected, the app runs this code to get the value on the sensor:

However, with an accelerometer added, it will also evaluate this:

And that second one can cause the sensor to sometimes show as “active” or something similar.

I know others have gotten the newer multisensors to work with this in the past (although you’re definitely not the first to run into trouble - read back on this thread and I’m sure you’ll find them), and I’m pretty sure most of them ended up not using the accelerometer association and just going with contact/tilt sensor in the app setup.

Removing the accelerometer seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks!

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Just got around to replacing copy_ninja version with this one. Got both my doors added.

But I noticed that I can’t tell the status of the doors? They are list as door with no sensor?

We can no longer poll Chamberlain every few minutes to get the status of the door. You can still do most things with this version without knowing the door’s status, but you’ll get the best experience by adding a SmartThings-capable tilt/contact sensor to the door and associating it with the door in this SmartApp’s setup.

Gotcha. What have folks been using for that?

I personally use this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HGVJRX2/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Others have used plain old contact sensors or multi-sensors.

Just ordered a 2-pack of the zwave+ on ebay. Thanks!

OK, got my two sensors installed and paired. They show up as things.

How do I associate with my garage doors? I thought I saw I could do that from the app, but when I re-run the app it wants credentials again.

Do I need to remove my existing garage doors and start all over again?

Yeah just open up the SmartApp, login, and go through the setup again. It will remember your doors so you can just click through the part where you associate the sensors with the doors.

Got it! Wasn’t clear if that would do the right thing. Thanks!

I just installed two door sensors on my garage doors, did the reinstall of the smartapp with new device handlers, but now the doors show as “unknown”. Anything I need to do special with door/window contact sensors vs some other kind of sensors? I had it installed with the non-sensor handler previously, so should I uninstall first?