Normally an uninstall isn’t needed. You could try just opening/closing the doors to see if that initializes it. If it still isn’t working, take a look at the logs in the IDE and see what’s going on.
I can confirm that the private still works. it just need some tweak.
I do not want go through details because Charmberlain might block it again.
There is an extra “s” at the end of the last line (961) latest Github version dated 29 May 2017. Removing it clears up the errors when updating/publishing.
Fixed. Sorry about that.
Hi, Thanks for the development on MyQ. I’m working through install w/o sensors and have a question/idea.
Can you confirm that when an opening/closing action is triggered this is polling MyQ for door status and sending command to open/close, then it polls status to confirm command was completed, say going from opening to open?
If that’s the case couldn’t we use a simulated garage door device to retain door status and control the door with CoRe?
Thanks again!!! Todd
Nope, that does not happen. This Smartapp does not poll MyQ at all aside from the initial setup where it pulls down your list of doors. In fact, that’s the main reason this app version was written - the original MyQ integration used to do polling but was blocked, supposedly because of the amount of traffic it was generating.
Got it. So it just sends the command to MyQ to open/close when it’s completely clueless as to state, hence the recommendation for the sensor.
Do you feel that using simulated switches via CoRe to track state isn’t reliable enough?
Thank you!
For some people, maybe, but I think most people still end up opening and closing the door via physical remotes or wall switches quite a bit, which would cause ST to be out of sync too much to make it reliable.
Excellent point!
i dont want to clutter the thread with a useless question.
My first post here so be gentle.
Is there a post you guys can point me to that spoon feeds me how to get this working besides the first post. I cant seem to get it working.
Thanks in advance!
I have a minor feature request: Could the code be updated to incorporate the new color schemes that SmartThings is using now? My garage door is the only one that stands out as green - all my other things are blue/white.
Here’s a post detailing the change: New Color Theme in ST App?
I manually changed DTH for background color to the new ST standardized blue of 00a0dc.
It would be great if we could get the main DTHs updated to the new standardized color scheme.
Or the the appropriate color based on the different statuses:
IE Snippet from Jim with SmartThings:
Blue: #00a0dc
White: #ffffff
Orange: #e86d13
Gray: #cccccc
So for example, for the common capability/state color tiles, you’ll have:
Switch OFF and turningOff state: white (#ffffff)
Switch ON and turningOn state: blue (#00a0dc)
Presence Not Present: white (#ffffff)
Presence Present: blue text (#00a0dc)
Contact Closed: blue text (#00a0dc)
Contact Open: orange text (#e86d13)
Good suggestion. I’ve updated these and pushed out the new versions for all 3 device handlers.
Outstanding Brian! Thanks.
How hard would it be for SmartThings to define a repository with a standardized set of values for everything and then all Apps and DTHs refer to those values wherever they are stored, so that nobody, end users and developers alike don’t have to manually update everything in the future when they decide to go in some other direction again?
Thanks!!! Just updated and everything looks great!
Not super hard but not necessarily trivial, either. Ideally, they would build it into the ST platform itself where the code could basically “default” to the standards (or even allow developers to do a method call to get the standards). But even setting up a REST endpoint somewhere we could hit to get the standard values would also work (I already have MyQ Lite doing something similar to figure out if people are running the latest version).
I’m thinking about setting this up with craftmen assurelink. Is there anything different I need to know?
Thanks for the great work
As far as I know, they work the same. If you can get it working with their MyQ app, then you should be able to get it setup with this SmartApp in SmartThings.
I just signed up in the forums so I may say Thank You!.. What you have done is awesome and took all of about 5 minutes to setup. Perfect… just perfect!