January 28, 2019, 11:59pm
If I find free time, I think I will look at creating a webapp that can handle bi-directional communication, but no promises. Until then, this is the only solution I am aware of for these controllers.
If you are looking for a better controller, I would suggest either the Fibaro RGBW Z-Wave or the H801 RGB Controllers which can be hacked to run a custom firmware (with lots of effort). I don’t own or have experience with either of these, just sharing what I know exists to try and help you.
#Fibaro RGBW Controller (FGRGBWM-441) - Advanced DTH
Version: 0.03 (2016-11-14)
Woops! It appears I forgot to create a thread for this, so here it is: An advanced device handler for the Fibaro RGBW Controller, with support for changing all parameters and use of channels as inputs.
Key features in v0.03:
Z-Wave parameters can be configured using the SmartThings GUI.
Device associations can be configured using the SmartThings GUI.
Support for using the channels in a mixture of IN/OUT modes (i.e. support for analog input sensors)!
No more glitches (as sending commands and receiving reports is done properly!)
“Energy Meter”, “Power Meter”, and “Polling” capabilities fully implemented.
2020-05-27 - Update: The firmware listed in the thread is now (has been for a while) a “Universal” firmware that works with just about any ESP8266 based RGB/WW/CW controller. You just need to assign the proper pin numbers in the web interface of the device after you add it to the wifi network. Thanks to @cjcharles on the help on the firmware! Universal Firmware
For detailed instructions on flashing and setup including video & photos, see post 360 .
2017-02-15 - Update: I have added compatibility for a few new controllers that are sold under the Arilux brand. I’ve posted the specifics further in this post.
2017-01-23 - Update: I’ve added the ability to export and import programs. Scroll down for some program strings that can be copied and pasted into the SmartApp.
2017-01-21 - Update: I’…