[OBSOLETE] Lock Manager

How would you ever get an " unknown user "

someone unlocks without a code - key or from inside turns the lock off - or you have a user set as UNKNOWN as the literal name (test or misc purpose) I have a little different use case than most.
I get a sonos notify ANYTIME the lock is locked or unlocked -

Hi Erik,
I’m new and not sure where to post. I have a Schlage 599. I have installed the lock manager but the only feature that works is being able to change one code at a time. It won’t allow me to have multiple users because the lock only receives one code at a time. Also the lock is not receptive to any type of scheduling within the app. It only receives one code and remembers that code until I change it on the single user. Any suggestions?

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I don’t have this lock, so I’m not sure that I can help you. Most (all?) locks only accept 1 code write at a time, so that’s not an issue. The device driver sends these requests one by one.

Your lock supports up to 19 slots, possibly only 4 digits each?

There’s nothing in my app that would limit the amount of users you can make based on the logic of your lock or your lock’s DTH. Maybe you’re just not in the right screen? On the Lock Manager page, there should always be a “Create New User” button. Each time you need to create a new user, you would need to go back to the main screen.

Anyone else have this lock?

I have Schlage - but NOT 599 - I have BE469NX - should be similar though
I have Create>> NEW USER on the main screen … as Erik states

You do have to go through the SET UP process after installing the app… user by user
when setting up the “USER” – as you scroll down in the speicific USER set up - there is a section "additional Settings"
the “schedule” set up portion is there.
Is that what you are referring to @JGreene? Does this help ?

I’m not sure how this would work. Does SmartThings support custom location events? If so, we could create a kind of API service for notifications where “Notification App” would listen to say… location.“customNotification” blah blah…

and then any app could create these customNotification events and “Big Talker” could subscribe to them.

Just not sure that smartthings supports this. May have to use something like IFTTT as an API service to get this kind of thing done. I had hoped to leave all third party solutions out of this app though.

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Thank you for your quick reply. I guess the main issue is scheduling. If I tell the app to end user access at a certain time the lock just remembers the last code sent to it. So the scheduling did not affect the last code sent to the lock. It’s like the app is only communicating with the lock when I manually go in and edit the code for a single user. In order to restrict access for one user, I have to go in and change the code for that user instead of just scheduling an end time. I am also using a mobile device within the SmartThings app. Idk if that has anything to do with it

I haven’t tried many/any of the advanced features such as burn codes and scheduling, but I was able to get this setup to program the users and codes along with notifications every time that certain users accessed the lock.

I’m using a kwikset 910 z-wave and the custom DTH worked with no hiccups on that model.

Many thanks for the work you put into this! If you need any testing done just let us know!

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I am not a techie; I do not code. I have the Smart Things app and a Kwikset lock I want to control remotely. I have been successful. However, I also want to add/delete/change unlock codes for the lock. I was able to get the Lock Code Manager installed and onto my phone. I added some lock codes, but today, when someone tried to use one for the first time, it did not unlock the door. I thought I would delete it and try to install the Beta version in hopes that would work for me.
The Lock Code Manager had detailed instructions on how to get it. I do not see such instructions for the Beta version. I clicked on the GitHub link, but have no clue what any of that means. I tried clicking on some of the download links there, but those led me nowhere. Any help would be appreciated.

Follow the instructions below to install and use the Lock Manager app with your Zwave or Zigbee lock.

You’re going to install up to three SmartApps and one Device Type Handler (DTH). Onward…

Install the Lock Manager App

  1. Log into your IDE and go to the Smartapps tab in one browser window
  2. Click New SmartApp + button
  3. Click From Code button - a window will open up w/a large empty text box
  4. In a second browser window go to the Lock Manager GitHub
  5. Click on the Raw button on the right - the view will switch to display just the SmartApp raw code
  6. Press Ctrl-A to select all the code and Ctrl-C to copy
  7. Return to your first browser window in the IDE w/the text box
  8. Press Ctrl-V to paste the SmartApp code into the text box
  9. Click the Create button at bottom of screen on left
  10. Click the Save button at top of screen on right
  11. Click Publish button and select For me

Install the Lock User and Keypad Child apps

Repeat the steps above for the two Lock Manager child apps w/one exception noted below:

1: Lock User app at this link
2. Keypad app at this link

Do NOT publish the Lock User or Keypad apps. Just click Create and then Save to save them. The Lock User and Keypad apps are “child” apps that are called by the Parent app (Lock Manager) so it doesn’t need to be published. You’ll see functions in the Lock Manager app for Users and Keypads - those are the child apps being called from within the parent Lock Manager app.

Install the lock Device Type Handler (DTH)

You also need to have the device type handler (DTH) installed in your IDE. Install the DTH same way you installed the SmartApps above, but do so from the My Device Handlers tab in your IDE.

Erik’s Zwave lock DTH is at this link.

If you have a Zigbee lock, use the DTH at this link.and thank @jhamstead.

Once you’ve installed/published the DTH you will need to go to your My Devices tab in your IDE, and confirm/edit your lock device to ensure it’s set to new DTH you installed, which should be located at the bottom of the list. For example, if you’re installing ethayer’s Zwave Lock Reporting DTH:

  1. Click on your lock in the device list on the My Devices tab in the IDE
  2. Look at the “Type” row - if it says “Zwave Lock Reporting” you’re OK. Nothing more to do on DTH.
  3. If it says something else, scroll down and tap the Edit button
  4. Scroll down to the “Type” field and click the drop-down. Scroll to the bottom of the list of available DTH’s, and select Zwave Lock Reporting as your preferred DTH for your lock.
  5. Click the Update button.

Phew! That’s it, your done installing things. :smile:

Use the Lock Manager Smartapp

Now you will find the Lock Manager SmartApp in the SmartThings app under:


  • Add a SmartApp
    My Apps

Select Lock Manager from there and set it up. Make sure you hit Done in the app when your settings are complete to save your settings.

Once you’ve done the initial setup and hit Done in the app you’ll find the Lock Manager app listed in your apps list on your SmartThings tab. Open it from there to make any future changes to your settings. This is important - make sure you hit Done to save your settings!

If you are more technically inclined and want to add ethayer’s repository to your IDE to simplify updates to the apps (Lock Manager, Lock User, Keypad) and DTH, use below for IDE integration:

More here on IDE integration:

More here on initial launch/access to the app:


Thank you. Do I need to uninstall the old version before doing this?

Yeah, it would be a good idea to remove the old app. Running them both is asking for trouble.

@ethayer, you might want to copy the instructions to the OP in this thread, to help reduce repeated “how do I?” posts and encourage faster adoption of this version of your wonderful apps. :slight_smile:

Should probably also bring over the instructions on getting the DTH installed as well - the easier it is to install from this thread the more likely folks will be to use this version…


Just moved from old User Lock Manager to Lock Manager [BETA]. Anyone else seeing this error in the logs?

Ok. Thanks. I opened the app, went in and set up a few users and codes. I exited the app, went back in, and they are not there. I added them again, and now the user lock manager shows up twice in My Smart Apps. Not sure if the codes will unlock the door or not since I live 2 1/2 hours away. Any suggestions on what I may have done wrong? Thanks!
And also, what about the Device handler? I had to do that with the old version.

Once you open the app the first time from the “My apps” section and save any changes, you’ll have an entry for the Lock Manager app on you list of SmartApps in the Automation>SmartApps tab.

Once you’ve done the initial app setup do not go back into the “Add a SmartApp>My Apps” flow to open the app again. Simply scroll down on your SmartApps tab and you’ll see Lock Manager listed there.

From that point forward always launch the app from the icon in your SmartApps tab under Automation.

To clear up your issue of multiple instances, tap the icon for the second instance of the Lock Manager icon in your SmartApps list, scroll to the bottom and hit the big red “Remove” button and confirm removing that instance of the app.

Then tap the remaining Lock Manager icon in your SmartApps list and confirm all the settings/codes are as you want.

You are going to have to get someone to test it locally to confirm 100% that it is working - there’s no way to 100% sure of any automation unless you can verify it directly - that’s true of any home automation.

If you set up the correct DTH from the other Lock Manager version, that will work w/this version.

Open the main parent app and click ‘Done’

This should resolve the error. I’ll work on a proper fix.

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Ok. One problem was that I was not logged into the IDE from a specific link so I guess I kind of had 2 separate accounts for IDE. Don’t know if that makes sense. So, I published using the correct URL. I was unable to delete the old app on my phone or on the website. Sorry if I sound stupid; like I said, not a tech person.

In this case I think it would be a good idea to contact SmartThings customer support to resolve your issue. They will be able to have more insight into your account than the community and may offer to set things up for you.

It’s a good idea to at least uninstall the old app from your platform because if both exist, they could have conflicts with each other and and up in a recursion loop.

I have installed the beta version but I no longer get notification when manually locking lock. That is… i only get a notification when unlocking with a code, I have a Schlage lock…Any ideas? as it used to report any activity with the older version
