[OBSOLETE] GE Motion Switch (26931) and Motion Dimmer (26933)

Hi Michael, on the generic Multichannel Device it works fine (power on, off with app, smart apps, auto motion sensor, etc). On this driver it doesn’t auto turn on with motion, it times out when trying to power off, and the logic from the DTH settings don’t seem to work (I tried different settings), yet I could still power it on via the app after setting the device type to this one. I had to forget and re-pair it to regain the basic functionality.

It not turning on via motion probably means it is in vacant or manual mode, or the motion detector is off. Regardless of what the settings say when you go into there, if you manually set BOTH of those items (occupied and motion on) it SHOULD work. However, with this NOT being the designated model number, nothing is guaranteed.

The powering off of the light is ALL controlled by the switch and its occupancy mode along with the timeout. Again, not 100% sure this is compatible, but assuming it is, the OFF will ONLY work when in Vacant or occupied mode. You CAN test this without SmarThings as there should be a small button on the switch to program it to the settings you want. If that does work but setting the settings with SmartThings doesn’t may indicate a compatibility issue.

All of the physical button on the switch worked. Not really sure where to go from here.

Did you try to set the setting to Automatic? Did you attempt to manually set it via the instructions that came with the switch?

Anyone else having issues with 26933 and the dimmer functionality? Basically as soon as I install the latest version of the DH (v 1.1.0), I lose access to the dimmer.
With the default Z-wave Multichannel Device DH I have access to the dimmer, but not to the motion sensor, and with this DH it’s the opposite. Guess I have to choose for now :slight_smile:

Hmm…I am not seeing any issues. Very odd.

I also lost the dimmer functionality sometime in the last few weeks (1.1.0), though I had it when I installed the switch (26 Oct 21).

Edit: Just checked and none of my motion dimmer switches show any dimmer functionality in the app anymore.

Hmmm…looks like SmartThings changed some things :frowning: I never adjust manually so I didn’t notice.

I had to move some of my 26933s. So, I had removed and readded them, went through IDE and pointed to the right DTH and indeed, I also lost the dimmer functionality in the app. Looking at the ones I had not touched, they still had it. So, to test it out, I changed the DTH of one with the working dimmer in the app to a simple dimmer and then switched back to the motion dimmer and the dimmer slider went away also. I thought I had not done something right so I messed with some of the settings. Then I decided to come visit the good old forum and I see that I’m not the only one having this issue. Wanted to share my experience. Be happy to provide any feedback/information/logs that anyone may need.

Yep…that happens…For some reason there is some sort of caching or other activity that is going on that is preventing these from being seen by the interface. However, this doesn’t affect some folks as the interface (i.e. SmartThings app) is rarely used any longer. Instead, either voice (Alexa) or programming (WebCore) control/monitor the aspects of the device such as motion and dim level. Are you saying those aspects don’t work, or is it just an interface for you? I can tell you that I have stopped development on the Groovy version of this and await what SmartThings does with these devices. Hopefully they retain the ability to put these into different occupancy modes.

I use both Alexa and Webcore and these are both NOT impacted by the change. I’m in the same boat… As a matter of fact, I’ve started looking into Home Assistant, but I’m not sold on the functionality and how well it’s working. Home Assistant has not been the most stable environment.

Yeah…Home Assistant is great for overall home monitoring; however, I am finding it a bit weak in the controlling department. If someone is looking for a full solution for their home it feels this is NOT it.

I disagree Michael, but as JD says choice is good right? But, dude the learning curve is INCREDIBLY steep. To get something I would consider ‘usable’. I personally finally passed that point a month ago in my migration from ST to HA and am now trudging onwards to usable…

If you’re a tinkerer ot hobbyist its fabulous. But its a far cry from being plug and play. And a lot of things people take for granted in SmartThings (the automation editor, for instance) requires at least the understanding of editing text based configuration files (that are VERY finicky about formatting) to approach anything beyond simple on/off and timers.

Each system has its warts. Im finding every day i wish for ths stability of Pre-2019 Groovy based SmartThings, the usability of modern SmartThings and the flexibility of HA… Oh my the possibilities…

So to avoid a hard left turn into comparison territory and taking the thread completely off course…

Im looking at the dth code and the edge driver model… It shouldn’t be too difficult to port. No IM NOT signing up to do the port - I cant test it Just it shouldn’t be hard for someone who’s waded at least halfway into the Edge driver pool…

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Choice is indeed good…My HA experience is just weeks in, where I have years (and comfort) with ST. That being said, I got into HA today and there are some STRONG pieces of HA that it has over ST. I have tested OpenHAB and while it has a slicker interface, it doesn’t have as many of integrations that I use on day-to-day basis.Within a day I was able to get all of my devices (including IP cameras) into the HA interface.

As for the Edge model, I probably won’t be developing to that…but encourage anyone else to take the ball! :slight_smile:


I agree with Nathan that migration to HA is pretty resource intensive. But the possibilities are HUGE. There are a ton of integrations and I can’t think of anything that I have not been able to integrate with HA. I am moving slowly into it.

Well, I took the plunge and added the SmartThings devices to my Home Assistant. Obviously, the hardest part was getting the communication from SmartThings (SSL) to work with the server. But I got it! Next step was to start doing automations, which is rather like WebCore. Overall, I am moving slow, but I can see how this could work. Of course, without adding a Zwave/Zigbee radio to my server I am going to be reliant on my ST hub, but if WebCore goes away with Groovy, I might still have a rather usable system with HA. If not, maybe Hubitat will be the answer :wink:

Thanks for the encouragement Doctor B and Nathan!

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Same here. No dimmer slider and I am unable to set a dimmer level with the built-in SmartThings Routines.

Any work being done on Edge drivers for these GE motion dimmers?

Here’s one:

[ST Edge] Driver for GE/Jasco/Honeywell Z-Wave Switches, Dimmers, Fans, Outlets, and Plug-Ins

It is encouraging that edge drivers are being worked on for these devices. If anyone gets a chance to test his edge driver, let me know if it supports the occupancy of the device, and if so, if that functionality filters back to old-school WebCore.

I have actually been working in Home Assistant now for a few weeks and am less concerned about the support of the occupancy function of these devices as I now have a way to simulate that in Home Assistant. If the occupancy isn’t supported as long as the motion and the switch functionality remains I can make this work!

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