I have a set of dimmer lights which I’d like to turn on at a certain dim level on motion between sunset and sunrise, and turn off after a certain period of no motion. The tricky part is that I’d also like to have it to be at max brightness and won’t turn off by itself when a (virtual) switch is turned on (which could be turned on before or after the night light is being triggered).
I searched and saw a few similar topics being discussed and I tried to follow. I have installed over 5 different smartapps and have been playing with different modes and stuff but still couldn’t figure out how to do what I want.
I think I am too dense to figure it out myself. If anyone can give me some hand holding as to how to achieve this I’d appreciate it.
Thanks. Find the option now. It was user error on my part that I didn’t see this option.
Now I made 2 pistons, one to turn on the light with motion and one to turn off light when there’s no motion. Is there a more intelligient way to make 1 piston for both one and off.
Also Initially I tried something like “If motion sensor was inactive for at least # minutes then turn light off.” It didn’t seem to work even the If flag turned from FALSE to TRUE. What is the use of the was operator?