Hi there
I am a newbie to ST but not new to software development, but i have a few fundamental questions as I am going round and round in the documentation.
I have a cloud to cloud device in Smartthings. I wanted to try and write a Device Handler to have a play about and see what events are coming in. With my device handler I can sendevents to open and close the door.
But , i attached the device handler in the simulator to the actual device and i get no debug logs showing in the live log. Also i cant seem to get any event responses to display (even though the events are showing in the device list , e.g. door.open and door.closed.
How can setup a simple device manager to display incoming and outgoing cloud to cloud messages. I tried the template from samsung, but I think i am doing something fundamentally wrong, i see no traffic. is this the correct approach with the simulator (in device handler, attaching it to a real device)?