If you want to see the Child Devices as separate, independent, devices, you simply need to make a minor change to the Parent Device Handler.
In the following function, set the isComponent: true to false as shown below. Save and publish the DH. Then, delete your current device and re-add it. The new Parent Device Handler will then create independent Child devices which can be renamed and placed into rooms as you see fit. Be careful though: This also gives you the option to manually delete each child device with not way to re-create it except by deleting the parent and starting over again.
private void createChildDevices() {
state.oldLabel = device.label
for (i in 1..5) {
addChildDevice("Zooz Power Strip Outlet", "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${i}", null,
[completedSetup: true, label: "${device.displayName} (CH${i})",
isComponent: false, componentName: "ch$i", componentLabel: "Channel $i"])