Very new user to ST just bought last week.
I want to pair all my xiaomi/aqara devices (temp sensor, door and motion sensor) but I’m having issues.
I have followed some tutorials and added the correct repo to get the device handlers. But when I try and add a new device it won’t pair with any device.
OK, and have you installed the specific device handlers you require from the repo so they are listed on your ‘Device Handlers’ page in the IDE and have you published them?
If the device shows as a ‘thing’, the device has been paired but the system hasn’t found a device handler it can match it to so it doesn’t know what to do with it.
Ok, now go to the “My Devices” tab, navigate to the “Thing”, click the edit button at the bottom, and make sure the “type” field lists the appropriate device handler. If not, choose the correct device handler from the drop down and then save the changes.
Sometimes the login redirects you to an empty virtual hub/location. Try navigating to locations, select the name of the location where the device handler was installed, select the hub, and then try navigating to the list of devices again.
Are you using ‘account.smartthings.com’ to connect to the IDE? Only some old documentation quotes ‘graph.api.smartthings.com’ and that might not be where you need to be. So you could have your device handlers set up in the wrong place. ‘account.smartthings.com’ should redirect to the right URL for you.
I went on account.smartthings.com and it directed me to the list of devices but no handlers. So confusing. I’ve gone into locations and selected the hub… Then clicked back on device handlers but still non there
Are you sure you selected the correct location, and then the correct hub (in that order)? And after that you want to navigate to “My Devices”, not device handlers.
I believe you need to login to account.smartthings.com and set up the repo and device handlers again. SmartThings works with a number of (generally) regional ‘shards’ (a term used with databases) and your account is assigned to one of them. It seems like you inadvertently logged in to the wrong shard for your account and set up your device handlers there.
I know you need to go through the process of linking to Github again but I can’t remember how you do that as it was a long time ago and the instructions I used never did quite match reality.