I have Routine A set up to automatically turn our back patio lights off at sunrise. It’s been triggering, but until this morning I thought those lights were part of Routine B. I found this out when I went to the History and saw Routine A triggered at 7:30 AM: “Sent off command to Back Patio Lights, etc.”
I don’t need duplicate routines, so I’d like to delete Routine A and add those back lights to Routine B. However, Routine A isn’t displaying anywhere in my Routines list or anywhere else in the App - other than the history notifications.
Any ideas? This happened a couple of times when I was first setting up my hub and all of my routines and was creating and deleting - somehow they’d delete on my end within the app but would still be in my account. This created all kinds of screw-ups. Found this out through a couple of chat sessions. Seems to me though, that I shouldn’t have to contact support every time I delete a routine to make sure it really deleted.