My SmartThings for Advanced Users (SmartThings Advanced Web App)

I noticed there is a new option in My SmartThings for advanced users.
Samsung account

It seems the official API Browser+ developed by SmartThings and new substitute of Groovy IDE.

There are a lot of informations…


Thanks for pointing that out. I never would have found it otherwise.

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Yes, it looks like a nice job.

It does seem that the author has had something of a battle with the word ‘characteristics’ in both the UI and the code … and lost. That’s just fluff though.


Finally MySmartThings is useful…


I looked through it quickly this morning, they appear to have done a nice job!!!
It even shows a ghost mobile device on my hub, so I will take a close look at everything when I have some free time.

Once again nice work. @nayelyz if you are able to pass on my compliments to the team, as we normally are all complaining, please do.


Be aware that it picks up user devices outside of Locations. The only ones I have come across are the ‘mobile as a thing’ devices that correspond to your actual mobile devices. On Android they have the same label as the mobile presence devices which are part of your Location.

For those who like such things, adding includeUserDevices=true filter to the query string when hitting the /devices endpoint reveals them.

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wow! seems like a nice tool after a cursory browsing. Next step: z-wave and zigbee route maps :slight_smile:

edit: interesting that there is a z-wave and zigbee detail section, but nothing for Thread other than whether it’s available.


It appears you can add cloud-based virtual devices from this tool, too

Example color bulb


It appears you can also assign an Edge device to ANY driver installed on your hub. It isn’t limited by the fingerprint like the mobile app.


It also allows you to view the drivers memory usage status of the hub.


Let’s hope Hub Utilities are implemented before 10th July.


I only have one thing on my wish list…backup/restore…:grin:


For anyone that might compare the number of devices shown on this to the number shown in @TAustin 's Browser+, note the latter does not show Nest devices or groups as devices.

Hopefully that saves someone some time.


Groups are shown in the Locations->Groups in the API Browser+.

Agreed. But as they’re not in the device list it throws the count off - that’s all I was pointing out.

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Also strange, my Mobile device shows up as two devices in My Smarthings, one as a Mobile_as_a_thing that is not associated with a Location and the other as a SmartThings-smartthings-Mobile_Presence for the Location that it is enabled for.

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The deal is that when you list the devices in a Location the API defaults to not returning the devices of type GROUP. As of ten minutes ago I discovered that you can use the includeGroups=true flag if that floats your boat.

There are a few device types that have separate endpoints for bespoke functionality. As well as GROUP and /devicegroups there are VIRTUAL and /virtualdevices and HUB and /hubdevices and there are others. It is a matter of taste how you handle them really.

Interestingly, even though Nest thermostats are VIPER devices, they don’t show up in the CLI regardless of how you do the query. Apparently, the API that the My SmartThings is using handles those devices differently than the published APIs :frowning:

Because of the Google Nest restrictions… Google Nest devices were not exposed to the API or even the old IDE. You can’t use Google Nest devices in 3rd party services outside of ST, i.e. they can’t be accessed by SharpTools etc.

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New message in the IDE now: