So I have completely moved to the new app, there are some missing important features.
I don’t have tiles in devices anymore, so many devices are not working properly. How can I update the DHs so everything will be back to normal?
I have some qubino shutters, and they are missing the level option… there are worthless without this.
I am so disappointed, thinking to abandon ST…
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Here is how to define the device UI in the new app
At SmartThings we want to provide tooling to allow developers to get their device integrations working in the SmartThings app. These changes will allow an integrator to move from using custom commands and attributes to custom capabilities.
DTH Migration For Custom Capabilities
In order to follow along with the example set forth in this guide, you will want to have the CLI set up, so make sure that you take this step first.
You can download the CLI here from the releases tab and read more about it in the README .
It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with the concepts:
Custom Capabilities
Capability Presentations
We are going to walk through a simple example of updating our Device Type Handler (DTH) so that devices installed with the DTH will be …
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August 25, 2020, 3:17pm
That thread is full of problem reports from developers trying to get this to work. Are there actually any successes?
not really any successes yet But it’s the only way to make major changes to the device UI in the new app.